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about 300,000 died

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Q: How many people were affected by the 2004 Indonesian tsunami?
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How are the people who were affected by the 2004 tsunami recovering?


Who was affected by the 2004 tsunami?

over 10,000 people were affected on that day. people lost treasured family members,pets,valuables and many more in the tsunami.

How many people died in Indonesia in the tsunami and earthquake of December 26 2004?

it's about 130.000 peoples dead and over of 37.000 people lost after Indonesian Tsunami in 2004

In what ocean did the Indonesian Tsunami occur?

The Tsunami that devastated Indonesia and other countries in 2004 was in the Indian Ocean.

Where did the 2004 tsunami hit first?

It hit Sumatra first, an Indonesian island.

In 2004 a tsunami affected the population of?


How many countries were affected by the 2004 Tsunami?


How many people survived the tsunami 2004?

250,000 people survived the 2004 Sumatra Tsunami.

Was the 2004 tsunami detected by scientist?

yes it was detected, but the scientists were not able to warn the Indonesian government in time, unfortunately

What tsumarmi was the impossible baced on?

The motion picture The Impossible was based on the real-life survival story of the Belin Family who was on Christmas vacation in 2004 when a tsunami devastated the island of Indonesia. Resulting from an earthquake in the Indian Ocean, the tsunami has been given a variety of names including the South Asian tsunami, the Indonesian tsunami, the Christmas tsunami, the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the Boxing Day tsunami. The latter name originates from a holiday that is celebrated in certain countries throughout the world on December 26, the actual day the Indonesian tsunami occurred.

What world event happend in 2004?

The Indonesian Tsunami Dec 26th - killed over 190,000 with 40,000 still missing

How many people died in Malaysia after the tsunami in 2004?

68 people died in the Tsunami of December 26, 2004.