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0 to a few 100,000 depending on height/depth of burst, distance from burst, terrain, and fallout distribution. If detonated at least 5 to 10 miles from the nearest person it is likely nobody would be hurt at all (like Trinity test).

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Q: How many people will die of a 20 kt nuclear bomb?
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How does a nuclear bomb kill someone?

The blast from a nuclear bomb affects the space/time continuum, moving you into a parallel dimension. The people in this dimension breath argon, you cannot, so you die.

How many people can a nuclaer bomb kill?

A nuclear bomb can destroy a city and the surrounding area. Think if New York City was bomb with an atom bomb. 8 million plus people would be killed instantly and milions more would die from the fallout or burns or other injuries. Injuries would be in the millions too.

How far could you protect yourself nuclear bomb?

You wouldn't be able to protect yourself, because you will instantly die if a nuclear bomb is dropped, as it is so powerful!

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over 80 million people

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297.000 directly 65.000 after the bombing

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Mostly about 536,000 people so far

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A large nuclear war could kill the entire population of the world (which is currently about seven billion people) but there could also be a smaller nuclear war, which might kill only a few million people.

What were the benefits of the nuclear bombings of Japan?

The US detonates a uranium bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima, killing more than 140,000 people within months. Many more later die from radiation-related illnesses. The US explodes a plutonium bomb over Nagasaki. An estimated 74,000 people die by the end of 1945. Little can be done to ease the suffering of the victims who survive the blast.

How many die in car bomb in world trade centre in 1993?

6 people died.