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Q: How many people work for the president in the white house?
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How many people can be seated at the White House's table?

as many people the president can fit in the white house

Why does the president need to live at the White House?

To keep the president safe the president lived at his house too many people would come and visit him it is for the presidents safety too because someone might just come in and murder him. At the white house people will guard him.

Why was the whitehouse painted white?

I beileve that many, many people thought that white would look good on a president's house. The White House is a neoclassical structure, and white was a popular color for such buildings.

How many people could fit in the white house?

It deppends on how big the people are, but if it was stuffed air tight then..... One hundred thousand= 100,000

How many people live in White House?

The president and anybody he wants may live in the White House.I think some of the permanent White House staff also live there.54

How many people can be seated at the white house dinning room?

like it matters president obama is on crack

What president had a party on their inauguration they had to be moved from the White House for their safety?

I think you are thinking about Andrew Jackson's first term. So many people crammed into the White House that the president had to leave and spend the night elsewhere.

How many President had lived in the White House by the time Franklin Pierce became president in 1853?

Franklin Pierce was the 14th president and so was the 13th to live in the White Houise. (The first president did not live in the White House.)

What activities are available for the President in the White House?

The President has many amenities available to him at the White House. They include a bowling alley, movie theater and swimming pool.

How many people work in the White House?

200 people work in the White House today

Are dogs allowed in the White House?

The President's dog is allowed in the White House. I would expect that service dogs would be allowed, but would have to be 'cleared' the same way that many people are cleared.

What is the preferred brand of dinner flatwares at the white house?

The White House has many different sets of dishes and flatware. Each president picks out what to use from the many that are kept by the National Park service. The White House is a museum for the people and the park service is in charge of furniture, chinaware, paintings within the House. Only the quarters for the president are allowed to bring in items or take out things.