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Q: How many percentage of assaults are due to alcohol?
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What percentage of assaults are due to alcohol?


How many percent of assaults are due to alcohol?


Of assaults are due to alcohol?


What percent of assaults are due to alcohol?


What percent of assualts are due to alcohol?

None. Assaults are due to people.

What is the percentage of of manslaughters are due to alcohol?

It is estimated that alcohol is a contributing factor in around 30% of manslaughter cases. Alcohol impairs judgment, coordination, and decision-making, leading to an increased risk of violent and aggressive behavior.

What percentage of manslaughter is due to alcohol?

None. Alcohol is an inanimate substance. It can't "murder" anyone.

How many assaults each year?

There are far more than listed in any statistical compilation, due to the fact that most assaults go unreported. Therefore, the answer to this question is unknown.

What percentage of ingested alcohol is NOT metabolized in the livers but is excreted unchanged?

The percentage of alcohol that is not metabolized in the liver and excreted unchanged is between 2 and 10%.There is a slight range due to body size and amount of alcohol ingested.

How many teens die a year due to alcohol?

None die of drinking alcohol, only from the abuse of alcohol.

What is the percentage of suicide due to alchol in the UK?

No one knows exactly how many people die because of alcohol abuse. However, research suggests that more lives are saved through drinking in moderation than are lost through alcohol abuse

How many people were killed in 2000 in accidents involving alcohol?

In 2000 how many people where killed due to alcohol related accidents?