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It would take eight or nine to match a male blue whale, over 100 feet long.

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Q: How many pickup trucks would you need to line up to match the length of a blue whale?
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The length of a newborn fin whale is 19-21 feet and the length of a adult fin whale is 59-72 feet.

What is the largest whale in the Southern Ocean?

The blue whale, at over 100 feet in length.

What is a blue whale length?

The average length of a blue whale is to 82ft for males. Female blue whales can measure 85ft. The largest whale measured at 98ft.

How many ft is a whale?

Depending on they type of whale, a whale can be a couple dozen feet to over 35 meters in length.

What is the length and width of a whale?

The width can varies and is different for individuals of a species. In terms of length, is is 82 feet for largest species of whale on average. That would be a blue whale. They can measure upwards to 110 feet.

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