

How many pieces of fruits and vegetavlesfor hamsters?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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You should give your hamster about half a handful of vegetables everyday.

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Q: How many pieces of fruits and vegetavlesfor hamsters?
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i wouldn't give your hamster strawberrys if i were you! If you feed any hamster dairy products or fruit you could give it diareah or kill it.

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What do dwarf hamsters eat?

Dwarf hamsters eat hamster food, like all hamsters, but there are some things they CAN'T eat. Dwarf hamsters can't eat too many sunflower seeds because they will get diabetes. Also, they can't eat citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit) and tomatoes. Other veggies are okay.

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they eat any fruits or veggies like apples bananas lettuce carrots.....etc.......... many things you can also go to petsmart to the hamster section and they have chew treats and food i recommend FIESTA MAX HAMSTER/GERBIL FOOD it has all different types of food in it that they love like dried corn cereal pieces seads......etc...... trust me my 2 hamsters had 10 babies and they love FIESTA MAX its a green bag

How many types of hamsters exists?

Syrian Hamsters - Winter White Hamsters - Chinese Hamsters - Campbells Dwarf Hamsters - Roborovski Hamsters So, 5.

Why don't you have any info on hamsters?

Hamsters have many breeds. There is now info on hamsters.

What is the affect if hamster eat apples?

Hamsters eating apples will not affect their health unless too many at once. Give about 3 very small pieces a day. :3

How many hamsters are there in the world?

There is at least 10,000 hamsters in the world.

Do hamsters eat meat?

hamsters will eat insects and worms (like crickets and meal worms). My dwarf hamsters eat pretty much anything -- chicken, duck, bacon, etc. The Hamsters preferred meat is another hamster!

How many times of hamsters in world?

I like spanish pasta hamsters

Can baby hamster eat spinach?

Yes hamsters love greens just don't give them to many. Just remember that spinach and other fresh food (fruits and veggies) are treats and should not be given in a large quantity. Hamsters should only have a small amount of fresh food each day.