

How many pint to fill hot tub?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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10y ago

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Depends how big your hot tub is. Mine is about 150 gallons or 1,200 pints.

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That could heavily depend on the total capacity of the tub, and on how full you fill it.

How long does it take to fill a hot tub?

It takes about 3 days

How many minutes will it take to fill up a tub?

It depends on the size of the tub.

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Fill a gallon bucket, timing how long it takes to do so. Then fill your hot tub using the same source... example: if you filled the bucket with a hose, then fill the tub using the same hose. Then time how long it takes to fill the tub and divide the time it takes to fill the tub by the time it takes to fill the bucket and then you know how many gallons it is.

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You use a hot tub cover after the hot tub has cooled off. Using it while your hot tub is still warm can cause your cover to break.

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It depends on the size of the hot tub. If you are going with an average size hot tub, then I wouldn't fit no more than 8 people in it. That would end up being 2 people on each side, if you are renting a square shaped hot tub.

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A Jacuzzi is a brand of hot tub which is so popular that many hot tubs of different brands are called Jacuzzi's. Typically, a Jacuzzi has jets of water or air. A hot tub usually does not have the jets, its just a tub of heater water.

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How much does a hot tub cost?

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