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Q: How many planes are in the air at a time in america?
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How many Planes in the air at one time?

well what kinds of planes planes like x y or planes like air planes it depends at whattimes there are more planes in the air than at day . then there are two planes x and y. you can never know how many planes there are in the sky unless every air port was shut down. witch is nearly imposible because in order to shut all of them down there would havee to ba some kind of electic moufunction with the word and then nothing wuold work DC101

How many planes are flying at once?

On average, there are about 9,700 planes in the sky at any given time. This number can vary depending on factors such as time of day, air traffic, and geographic location. Flight tracking websites like Flightradar24 can provide real-time information on the number of planes in the air.

Can planes take off and land at same time?

No because the air around the plane has pressure. If two planes take off at the same time the planes will crash. The planes might crash if they land at the same time.

Why do you need paper air planes?

Paper air planes are source of fun and and interest to most kids. There are many different kinds of paper air planes that you can make. It depends on where and how that you want them to fly

What damage did the clouds of ash do when the Eyjafjallajökull Volcano do this spring when it erupt?

The smoke when up in the air obviously and planes to Europe and to America were shut down. Many people were stuck in Europe or America

Did Henry ford make air planes during world war 2?

Yes he made many planes Yes he made many planes

How many types of paper air planes are there?

fsafe :?

Where planes are put?

Planes are parked in the airport. They are checked for performance and gas is entered. Otherwise, they are in the air, flying most of the time.

How many fighter planes do Saudi arabi has?

They have an air force. The planes they have are American made fighter jets and Saudi pilots are trained by the American Air Force/services.

How many planes does the US Air Force have in all?

about 6000

How many air to air kills by American bombers in World War II Europe?

i don't know exactly but American bombers shot down 2/3 of all planes shot down by America

What planes did buzz Aldrin fly in his whole life?

The planes Edwin Aldrin flew were Jet planes, as he was a Air Force pilot for many years.