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Q: How many planes would attack at a time during the blitz?
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How was Britain able to slow hitlers advance during the blitz?

England's first advantage was luck. Hitler did not know he had an advantage. When the British Army retreated from Dunkirk, England was protected by only one fully armed Canadian division. Hitler did not mount a sea attack. He missed his opportunity. When Hitler began his blitz with his airplanes, the British had radar. As soon as the German planes turned toward England, the British planes took off. They had their planes full of gasoline. The coastal anti-aircraft guns were loaded and ready. The alarm had sounded. The radar had made them ready. When the German planes had passed the coastal artillery. The highly maneuverable spitfires attacked first. They were highly effective in shooting down German planes. As the blitz came closer to London, the older hurricanes went into action. A number of German planes were shot down. When the English lost a plane, the pilot would parachute from his plane he would get another plane. When a German pilot bailed out, the Germans would lose a good pilot. The Germans lost well trained pilots.

How would you describe a blitz attack in world war 2 using interesting adjectives and vocabulary?


What is a bombing raid?

An attack on an enemy town or military installation by a fleet of bomber planes supported by fighter planes. Bombs would be released by the bomb-aimer when the bomber planes were over the target.

How many times can a team blitz?

As Many As They Would Like, To. There Is No Limit On The Number Of Times You Can Blitz

Is ray unicorno good?

Ray unicorno is good but I'd say blitz unicorno is better and I would go for a stronger attack type like big bang pegasis or galaxy

What would people have done during the act of an air strike?

They would stand in the street, screaming, "We're here," at the planes.

Why were the Royal family so respected during World War 2?

Because they remained in London during the blitz when the easy option would have been to evacuate to Canada as many others did.

How did the prime minister protect himself during the blitz?

He would either seek refuge in the War Rooms, or stay in Downing Street, which had, I believe, a bomb shelter in the basement during the war. :)

Why does the video show many people ducking and covering in a variety of situations?

to show that duck and cover would protect a person during an atom bomb attack.

How did they manage to stop the Blitz?

That is a question of which blitz you are referring to. there were two blitz used in world war II. one was the German blitz on London and other English cities during the battle of Britain. the other blitz was the German blitz that overran Poland, France and most of European Russia. the blitz on London and other cities during the battle of Britain was perhaps the biggest mistake Germany made in the western war. the goal of the battle was to crush England's fighter command in order to control the skies. this would allow the Germans to invade Britain and win the war. the battle started with bomber raids on air fields and other facilities in england, and furious dog fighter began in the sky. the Germans almost always lost more planes, but could replace the pilots better than the English. just as fighter command was pushed the the breaking point, Herman goering the head of the Luftwaffe (the Nazi air force) switched tactics. he decided that to finish off fighter command, he would attack cities, and force the fighters into the air. this was a huge blunder, as it took pressure off the airfields. this gave fighter command the time and the rest it needed to better organize its defense. when fighter command was ready, it was more than a match for the Luftwaffe. although, bombings of London and other cities continued until the end of the war. perhaps the greatest tool the English had was the radar stations. this allowed fighter command to know where a German raid was coming from. this proved invaluable.

Who were the suicide attackers that would crash their planes into American warships during World War 2?

Japanese kamikazes

What do children do during world war 2?

They were sent into the countryside where they would be taken care of by their teachers and other living there, so they would be safe from the bombs falling in London in the Blitz (aka Blitzkreig)