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Q: How many planet mercury's could fit in neptune?
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How many comets are there on planet Neptune?

There are no comets on Neptune because Neptune is a planet and comets are, well, comets. They have nothing to do with each other.

What's mercurys planet composition?

There are many things that make up Mercury's planet composition. There are many different minerals and clays on Mercury's surface.

How many planets does Neptune have?

Neptune is the 8th Planet from Sun in our solar system. Now, let me rephrase your question slightly. How many moons does Neptune has? Because Neptune is a planet and can only have moons or satellites orbiting it. Answer to this question is would be 13. In other words, Neptune has 13 known moons orbiting and there could be more which are not seen by man or discovered yet.

How many earths can fit into Neptune's?

Neptune is about 3.88 times larger than the Earth, so about 58.5 Earths could fit inside Neptune.

How many plantes are between the sun and Neptune?

there is 7 because Neptune is the eighth planet.

What is the distance of Neptune from sun and how many moons does planet Neptune have?

The planet neptune is about 2795084800 miles or 4498252900 kilometers away from the sun. Neptune has over 13 know moons like Triton and nereid.

Triton is a moon of which planet?

Triton is the largest moon of the planet Neptune. It is similar in composition and size to Pluto (even a little larger), so is thought to have been a Kuiper belt object that was 'captured' by Neptune many years ago.Triton is the largest moon of the planet Neptune.Triton orbits Neptune, and is the planet's largest moon.

How many moons are there on the planet Neptune?

There are no moons ON Neptune, moons orbit a planet, they do not sit on it.Orbiting Neptune, however, 13 moons have been discovered so far. They are:NaiadThalassaDespinaGalateaLarisaaProteusTritonNereidHalimedeSaoLaomedeiaPsamatheNeso

How many planet's away earth and Neptune?


What planet is named for the roman sea god and has many moons?

The planet is Neptune, the Roman name for Poseidon.

How many km is neptune?

Planet Neptune is 2.80 billion miles (4.50 billion km) from the sun.

How many moons does the planet nepturn?

Neptune has 13 moons