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You get 5 points on your driver's license

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Q: How many points do you get for following a car too closely?
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If you hit a car from behind you are legally at fault?

Yes, you are. It will be viewed that you were following too closely.

How many I-CAR points do you have to have to get I-CAR platinum status?

You have to get 10 points.

How many i-car points do you have to have to get i-car platinum status if you are a colloision technician?

10 points

Who is at fault when there is a 3 car collision and car 3 hits the car 2 without applying the brakes and car 2 hits car 1?

If all the cars are going in the same direction, then car 3 is at fault for either following too closely or negiligent operation. As long as the cause of car 2 hitting car 1 was ONLY the imact of car 3, that is, if he wasn't following too closely too, car 2 has no fault and no liability.

I got a ticket for following a car two closely at 50mph. Will my insurance rate go up?

Following to closely is considered a "Moving Violation". Moving violations are used as a rating factor for premium purposes. In short " Likely yes"

Who is at fault if you hit a car from behind after the car in front makes an emergency stop for a small animal?

You are. Since you were unable to stop in time it means you were following too closely.

Too many points on your license and it will be?

No rental car for you.

How many points will you get if you had a car accident and it totaled your car but you did not receive a ticket and insurance did not have to pay?

If you didn't receive a ticket, then you won't get any points.

How much does driving to close to a car cost?

In Gratiot County, Michigan, Following too Closely is a $120.00 fine. It's probably similar elsewhere.

Who is at fault in a rear-ending accident if the person in front slammed on their brakes?

The person who was following too closely to stop before hitting the car ahead.

Who gets the ticket in a multiple car straight line accident when the first car does not hit anything then other cars behind rear end each other?

In all likelihood, every car that hit another car will get a ticket for following too closely.

What is a slipstream in car racing?

In car racing, a slipstream is when a car tailgates, or follows the car ahead of it very closely to reduce the wind resistance. Many professional car racers use this technique.