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There is no definitive answer as to numbers. Actually it is irrelevant. Once any type of bankruptcy has been filed or discharged, your credit rating is down the drain.

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Q: How many points does a Chapter 13 bankruptcy decrease your score?
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How many points will a chapter 7 bankruptcy reduce your FICA of 529?

FICA = social security taxes. FICO is your credit score. There is no way to tell how many points your score will go down. With a low of 529 your score may tumble less than someone with a much higher score pre-bankruptcy.

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If you and your husband recently had your Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharged how long will it take to reflect on your credit report score?

10 years before the Chapter 7 is removed. It will decrease your scores dramatically to 400s to 500s.

Can bankruptcy hurt you?

Whether you are filing Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your credit score will be directly impacted for 7-10 years AFTER you exit protection.

Can you get a car loan after a chapter 7 bankruptcy?

Yes you can if you have a fair credit score.

If your credit score is 535 after filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy that is not discharged will it lower more when the discharge becomes official?

Your credit rating after bankruptcy is based on a number of factors. Many people are consider a good credit risk after bankruptcy if they have no debt and a job. Visit my web site for an article on rebuilding credit after bankruptcy: score raised from 530 to 572 when I received my chapter 7 dicharge.

How many points will your credit score jump after bankruptcy comes off?

How many points your credit score will go up after bankruptcy comes off, will depend on where it was beforehand. Your credit score may improve drastically into the 600's, or it may still be low.

How many points does chapter 7 bankruptcy take off your FICO score?

A LOT, but how much your score dives also depends on how high or low your scores were before you filed. Because the FICO scoring model is top-secret, there is no way to know EXACTLY how many points you will lose and because there are so many factors that determine your score.

How does surrendering your house in chapter 7 affect your credit report?

If you are surrendering your house anyways, it is usually better for your credit score if you do it through bankruptcy. If your house is foreclosed on before you file bankruptcy, then your credit score is hit by both the foreclosure and the bankruptcy. If you let your house go back through bankruptcy, instead, then your credit score is only hit by a bankruptcy.

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How many points will your credit score go up once your Chapter 7 bankruptcy falls out off your credit report?

Significantly, but most important of all will be what have you done to make sure you have paid your credit cards on time and how have you rebuilt good credit since you last file Chapter 7.

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