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Q: How many polar bears have died since 2000?
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Are polar bears nearly all gone?

Yes. There are more polar bears in Alaska because it has not been very effected by global warming and many polar bears in other places have starved and died populations have decreased by 50%

How many polar bears have died due to the Exxon Valdez?

a lot

How many polar bears died?

Impossible to say. Polar bears live all across the Arctic Circle, in several countries. They are superbly camouflaged and don't gather in herds. Methods of counting them are very general and scientists hope they are reasonably accurate. But we can't tell how many are dying.

What eats the polar bear?

No creatures have polar bears as part of their diet, but killer whales rarely eat small cubs swimming in the water. Myths about adult male polar bears killing cubs are false. It is true that adult polar bears sometimes eat cubs, but these cubs are ones that have already died, perhaps of disease. mother polar bears with cubs will defend their cubs against adult males, but that is because the mother will try to avoid any potentially risky situation. no, only peopleEskimoes

Did zoos in England have polar bears?

flamingoland in n yorks had a female polar bear which died of old age a few years ago sorry i don't know the exact date

How many dolphins have died since year 2000?

according 2 a study by University of panalory an estimated 47,000

How old was the oldest polar bear?

Polar bears rarely live beyond 25 years of age. The oldest wild bear on record died at the age of 41, and the oldest bear in captivity died at the age of 53.For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section indicated directly below this answer section.In the wild, polar bears typically survive for twenty-five to thirty years. In captivity, polar bears can survive for forty-five years.In the wild polar bears can live anywhere from 20 to 30 years, with the average lifespan being 24 to 25 years. In captivity they have been known to live up to 45 years.You can find out how old a polar bear is by removing a tooth (but be very careful when you do this!). There is a ring on the tooth for each year that the polar bear is alive. Just like with trees.Female polar bears live up to their late 20's Male polar bears live up to 20 years canda they live up to 33 years or more in canda. On average, polar bear live from 15-18 years but some live up to captivity polar bears can live up to 40 years but i dont think the lifespan of wild bears are known, i'd estimate about 20-25 years with survival only of the fittest etc.Wild polar bears usually live between 15 and 18 years. However, when they are in captivity, they can live up to 30 years.6yearsPolar bears have an average lifespan of less than 25 years in the wild. There is considered a record of 32 years for oldest wild Polar bear. A record of 43 years is held for the oldest Polar bear in captivity.they live 15-18 yrsPolar bears live up to 40 years in the wild.20-25 years

How many dogs have died since 2000?

Such statistics are not gathered or kept.

Can you sell a polar bear rug if it was made pre 1972?

International rules are different than the rules governed in the United States of America. In the United States, the Marine Mammal Protection Act prohibits trade of polar bears and all polar bear parts - except for certain subsistence uses by native Americans. However, this act does not protect trade polar bears that died in 1972 and before.So to answer your question; yes, you can sell a polar bear rug in the United States of America if it was made pre 1972.

What event finally prompted japan to surrender?

The firing of the polar bear canon in 1467 caused this and then the polar bears turned into zebras and everyone died because they had stripes and polka dots.

How super man died?

He fell down two sets of stairs out a window then bounced off of a great white sharks bellie then into a polar bears home then killed himself

Do polar bears live in zoos?

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