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Q: How many positive subatomic particles does cadmium have?
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What are positiely charged subatomic particles?

Of the hundreds of subatomic particles, many have an electric charge. The best-know particle with a positive charge is the proton. Subatomic particles are considered only protons, neutrons, electrons. The other particles form the large group of elementary particles (which includes also p, n and e).

How many subatomic particles in chlorine?


How many subatomic particles are present in an atom except proton neutron electron and what are they?

The only subatomic particles that exist in an atom are protons, neutrons, and electrons.

What is a name for all the subatomic particles?

There are many many subatomic particles, the main three are protons, neutrons, and electrons. Go to the Related Link below, for the relevant page at, "The World's Encyclopedia".

How many subatomic particles does element calcium has?

All elements have three subatomic particles: Protons: positive forces, centered in the nucleus of the atom with neutrons Neutrons: neutral forces, centered in the nucleus of the atom with protons Electrons: negative forces, centered in different energy levels outside the nucleus of the atom Between all these particles, there is only empty space; nothing.

How many kinds of subatomic particles are there?

There are 3 kinds of Sub-Atomic particles. These are Proton, Electron, Neutron.

What subatomic particles are found outside the atomic nucleus?

The particles outside of an atom are called electrons :D

How many subatomic particles are there in the element xenon?

Like all other atoms it contains three subatomic particles, they are Protons, Neutrons and Electrons.

How many subatomic particles have been discovered to date?

more than 400

How many subatomic particles are there in iodine?

It would depend on how much iodine is present. The greater the mass the more particles there would be

What are the three subatomic particles ina an atom?

Protons, Electrons and many times Neutrons

How many subatomic particles does lead has?

82 electrons 82 protons 125 neutrons