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Q: How many potatoes do monkeys fart a year?
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How many people fart per year?

I can't answer this

Can you not fart for a year?

It is not possible to not fart for a year. This is because, when you poo, you also squeeze out any farts, sometimes unintentionally. You can also fart in your sleep, making it virtually impossible not to fart.

How many monkeys would there be in 5 years if two monkeys living in a jungle had babies and their offspring had babies and so on Each couple including the original pair had 2 babies every year?

Assuming non died in the 5 year period. Year 1 2 monkeys + 2 babies Year 2 4 monkeys + 4 babies Year 3 8 monkeys + 8 babies Year 4 16 monkeys +16 babies Year 5 32 monkeys + 32 babies So at the end of year 5 there would be 64 monkeys.

How many times does the average person fart in a year?

I have no absolute idea at all!

How many potatoes grow in Maine every year?

Um... 2000?

How many potatoes are grown in the UK each year?

1337 Million potatoes are consumed by the human population every year.

How many potatoes does china produce in 1 year?

China produces around 70 million metric tons of potatoes annually.

How did the Blackfoot choose the chief?

Family was highly valued by the Blackfoot Indians. For traveling, they also split into bands of 20-30 people, but would come together for times of celebration. They valued leadership skills and chose the chiefs who would run their settlements wisely.

How many Marmoset monkeys are killed each year?

around 30 or so for experiments!

Why does my dog fart so much?

They eat that’s why they fart.

What year did spider monkeys become extinct?

Spider monkeys are not extinct.

How many eggs do Canadians eat each year?

=It all depends on whether or not the person likes potatoes, is allergic to potatoes or if the person eats potatoes every day.==If a typical Canadian ate one potato every single day, he or she would consume 365 potatoes in a non leap-year.=