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well it usually depends on your weight if u are very heavy then u will lose about 2 or 1 pound a day.i myself thought i was to heavy so i starved myself or either ate less than 600 calories a day for 3 days after those three days i lost 6 pounds. not on the other hand if u weigh like 90 lbs u probably wont lose weight or that much weight because ur probably underweight

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14y ago

It really depends if you throw up everything you eat, every time you eat! But as bulimic person myself, I have found it can actually be easier merely chewing the food then spitting it out on to a tissue and throwing it away, or if there are people in the room, just continuously slowly cut up your food, and eat little bits every now and again, noone ever notices!

**Being Bulimic is extremely unhealthy and the side effects end up way grosser than the goal of being thin. It can rot your teeth, it makes the muscles in your neck all bulky, it just greatly damages your body. And chances are if you're even thinking about vomiting to loose weight you have some psychological issues (totally normal, and totally understandable) that you need to work out before you decide to loose weight. Feeling overweight, especially as a woman, is something we all struggle with, some more than others and considering desperate measures doesn't make you crazy or strange at all. It's a lot more common than you think, but it isn't a healthy way to go about losing weight or being ok with yourself in general.

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12y ago

if you are thinking of turning to bulimia to lose weight DONT! You are foolish! Your more likely to put on the weight from purging using laxatives and binge eating than losing..!

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14y ago

Being bulimic is not a good methos to weight loss. Bulimia is a dangerous and often deadly eating disorder.

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Q: How many pounds can you lose in 2 weeks by being bulimic?
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Can you lose 20 pounds while being bulimic?

you can but being bulimic sucks its depressing and it makes you feel like a pirate who just got killed by Jack Sapparrow

How much weight do you loose being anorexic and bulimic?

Anorexia and bulimia are very serious eating disorders. People who are anorexic or bulimic can lose as much or as little weight possible. Some people can be 10 pounds underweight, some can be 40 pounds underweight. If you know someone who is anorexic or bulimic tell them that you are worried about them and strongly encourage them to get professional help.

How can you lose 93 pounds in three weeks?

No, it is not possible to lose 93 pounds in three weeks.

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You cannot lose 100 pounds in four weeks.

How do you lose 25 pounds in five weeks?

To lose 25 pounds in five weeks, one should lose five pounds a week. This is equivalent to losing 0.71 pounds a day.

How do you lose 100 pounds in three weeks?

It is not possible to lose 100 pounds of body fat in three weeks.

How do you lose 50 pounds in 2 weeks?

You cannot lose 50 pounds in two weeks by any natural means.

How do you lose 50 pounds in 4 weeks?

You cannot lose 50 pounds in 4 weeks by any natural means.

How do you lose 51 pounds in 2 weeks?

You cannot by any natural means lose 51 pounds in two weeks. It takes time to lose weight.

What are the symptoms of bulimia?

being bulimic is where you make yourself throw up to try to lose weight

Do you gain weight being bulimic?

Yes you can gain weight being bulimic. The hardcore bulimics who actually lose weight from being bulimic are the ones who are dying. They are no different than the people who are malnourished and starving. Is it worth it? NO. If you want to lose weight and not lose control over your life then just calorie count and exercise. There is no shortcuts. Unless you can afford surgery but then you have to be able to risk it. EVERYONE i know who has had some type of weight loss surgery had severe complications.

How can you lose 220 pounds in 2 weeks?

It is impossible.