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Q: How many prize cards do you take when you kill ( or knock out ) a evolved Pokemon?
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In Pokemon trading card game how do you win?

To win, you either run out of prize cards to take, you play so long that the opponent is out of cards.

What are Pokemon EX cards?

cards worth more prize cards if knocked out

What is a Pokemon card?

um. it's a card game, Pokemon cards are each individual for that type of Pokemon. the card displays the attack and defense stat of the Pokemon, and their moves and level. children collect the cards, and play against each other, by putting the cards out, and using the moves on the card. there are more rules, and whatever, but tbh, you don't really need to know:)

How do you have ex Pokemon?

in the card game, in Pokemon ex series, there are Pokemon ex cards, that when knocked out gives your opponent two prize cards instead of one.

How do you have ex?

in the card game, in Pokemon ex series, there are Pokemon ex cards, that when knocked out gives your opponent two prize cards instead of one.

How do you ex?

in the card game, in Pokemon ex series, there are Pokemon ex cards, that when knocked out gives your opponent two prize cards instead of one.

How can you use ex Pokemon cards in a battle?

every thing is played normally exept, if your opponent knocks your ex out, he/she takes 2 prize cards.

What is a prize card in pokemon?

Prize cards are the way the game is 'scored' and usually determines the winner of the game. After both players draw their opening hand, they place the top six cards of their deck face down. These are their prize cards. Every time an opponent's pokemon is knocked out (by the direct result of an attack, but also due to poison/burn damage or self-inflicted KO such as the Take Down or Explosion moves) you place one Prize Card in your hand. Once a player takes his last Prize Card, that player wins the game. (The game is also won if the opponent runs out of pokemon and is unable to move one from the bench to the active zone once one is knocked out.)

What are Pokemon prize cards?

It could be one of two things. - Certain Pokemon card game tournaments have exclusive cards that are given to winners. "Victory Medal" is one - it is a card unavailable in any pack or set, it was only given to people who won at a certain level during a tournament. - In a regular Pokemon TCG game, before the game starts, you take the top six cards off the top of your deck, keeping them face-down. These are your 'prize cards', and every time an opponent's Pokemon is knocked out, you take one. When you take your last one, you win the game.

How to play pokemon cards for beginners?

First, Shuffle the deck. Second, Take seven cards from the deck, place them face down. Third, Draw your prize card. Fourth, put the remander of the deck on the side.Fifth, Find your pokeman card out of the seven cards put it face down. Sixth, Flip a coin to see who goes first to start the attacks that are on the cards.

What is the prize at the end Pokemon GO?

There is no prize. Sorry, buddy.

If you collect all the cards of Match Attex what shall you do to get the prize?

There is no prize. More info at