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Q: How many protons and neutrons are in the nuclei of 204TI atoms?
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How do the number of neutrons and protons in nuclei of carbon-14 and nitrogen-14 differ?

Carbon is atomic number 6, so its atoms have 6 protons in their nuclei. Carbon-14 atoms have 8 neutrons in addition to the 6 protons. Nitrogen is atomic number 7, so its atoms have 7 protons in their nuclei. Nitrogen-14 atoms have 7 neutrons in addition to the 7 protons.

What does the nuclei of heavy atoms have that light atoms do not have?

The nuclei of heavier atoms simply have more neutrons and protons than do lighter atoms.

Where are protons usually located?

Normally, protons are located in the nucleus* of atoms. * Atom nuclei are located in the exact center of atoms. Neutrons, when they are present, are located in the nuclei also.

What is the number of protons neutrons and electrons of OXYGEN?

All oxygen atoms contain 8 protons in their nuclei. All neutral oxygen atoms have 8 electrons. There are three isotopes of oxygen, containing 8,9, or 10 neutrons in their nuclei.

What is the number of protons neutrons electrons of oxygen?

All oxygen atoms contain 8 protons in their nuclei. All neutral oxygen atoms have 8 electrons. There are three isotopes of oxygen, containing 8,9, or 10 neutrons in their nuclei.

Which subatomic particles are always found in the nuclei of atoms?

protons and neutrons (note: only 1H1 isotope doesn't have neutrons)

What is an isotone?

Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons, but the same number of protons.

How many protons neutrons and electrons does 96 silver have?

The term silver-96 indicates a mass number of 96 for that isotope of silver. The mass number of an isotope is the sum of protons and neutrons in the nuclei of its atoms. On the periodic table, the atomic number for silver is 47. The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in the nuclei of its atoms. The difference between the mass number and atomic number is the number of neutrons in the nuclei of the atoms of that isotope. In a neutral atom, the number of protons and electrons are equal. Therefore, silver-96 has 47 protons and 47 electrons in its atoms. The number of neutrons = 96 - 47 = 49.

Where in an atom do you find a neutrons?

you can find the neutron in the center of an atom.

How long has it been that scientists have accepted that the nucleus of the atom consists of neutrons and protons?

Ernest Rutherford discovered protons in the nuclei of atoms in 1918, and James Chadwick discovered neutrons in 1932.

One of the kinds of particles found in the nucleus of an atom is the?

There are two particles found in the nuclei of atoms, Protons and Neutrons.

Do the nuclei of all atoms of a given element always have the same number of neutrons?

No - different isotopes of an element have different numbers of neutrons. All atoms of an element will have the same number of protons.