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The atomic transmutation brought about by beta decay will depend on the type of beta decay. In beta minus decay, a neutron will be converted into a proton, and the nucleus will eject an electron. This makes proton count (and atomic number) increase by one and neutron count decrease by one. In beta plus decay, a proton is converted into a neutron and a positron (anti-electron), and this will make proton count (and atomic number) go down by one and neutron count go up by one. A link can be found below for more information.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Yes and no. Two neutrons are indeed lost from an atom's nucleus during Alpha decay, but it's not just that, two protons are also lost. The protons and neutrons together make a Helium nucleus, which is why Alpha decay will often by represented by the symbol of a Helium ion.

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12y ago

I shall answer your question in the form of a question.

When you ejaculate, subtract the amount of fluid loss from the amount of body mass you have, how many clothes pins does your dog own?

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12y ago

Uranium ( U92) has the atomic number of 92 (written in a Periodic Table), this means that there are 92 protons in the nucleus of a uranium atom (also shows that there are 92 electrons orbiting this nucleus)

Therefore your answer is 92.

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14y ago

Uranium 238 lose 2 protons, 2 neutrons and 2 electrons to become thorium 234.

Uranium 235 lose also 2 protons, 2 neutrons and 2 electrons to become thorium 231.

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10y ago

When alpha decay occurs, 2 protons and 2 neutrons are released together an called an alpha particle. It is the same as a nucleus of a helium atom.

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13y ago

There are 92 protons and 146 neutrons

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Q: When uranium ejects an alpha particle how many protons does the remaining nucleus have?
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What does uranium consist of?

Uranium is a natural chemical element, radioactive. Uranium has 92 protons and electrons in the nucleus; the number of neutrons in the nucleus depends on what isotope we consider.

What is the number of protons and neutrrons in a nucleus of uranium?

Uranium's atomic number is 92. Thus, all isotopes of uranium have 92 protons. The most common isotope of uranium is 238U, which has 238 - 92 = 146 neutrons.

How many neutrons are in the isotope uranium-238?

Uranium, atomic number 92, has several isotopes, and 238U is just one of them. Remember that a nucleon is one of the particles that make up the nucleus of an atom, and that means a proton or a neutron. In the case of this isotope of uranium, it has the 92 protons we'd expect for uranium, and it has 146 neutrons in its nucleus along with those protons. That's 238 necleons in the nucleus if 238U. Wikipedia has more information on uranium and on the nucleon, and links are provided.

What particle of the atom is responsible for the nuclear reaction?

The protons! If a proton is removed from an atom it fission (usually from Uranium) and if one is gained it is fusion.

How are uranium238 and uranium 235 the same?

The two isotopes (or varieties) of the element uranium, U238 and U235 have slightly different weights due to different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus. But, they have the same atomic number (meaning they have the same number of protons in the nucleus and the same number of electrons bound to the nucleus). Because they have the same number of electrons, from a chemical point of view, they are identical: that is, they form the same kinds of bonds with other elements and they cannot be separated by chemical means.

Related questions

When uranium (92 proton) ejects an beta particle how many protons does the remaining nucleus have?

90 protons

When a Uranium 238 emits an alpha particle the nucleus left behind has how many protons?

90 protons left

What is the number of protons in the nucleus of a uranium atom?

92 protons in uranium nucleus

How many protons does uranium have in its nucleus?

Uranium has 92 protons.

How do you find the number of neutrons in the nucleus of uranium?

Number of neutrons in an atomic nucleus = Atomic mass of an isotope - Number of protons in the nucleus For uranium the number of protons is 92; each isotope has of course a different mass.

What does uranium consist of?

Uranium is a natural chemical element, radioactive. Uranium has 92 protons and electrons in the nucleus; the number of neutrons in the nucleus depends on what isotope we consider.

Why must the bullet that splits a uranium atom be neutral?

The bullet that splits a uranium atom is a neutron. Other possible bullets are protons and alpha particles. But these particles are positively charged and so will be repelled by the nucleus of the uranium atom since it contains protons in plenty. Like charges repel. So the uranium nucleus with the positive charge will repel other positive charges. Neutron is a neutral particle and so is not repelled. So a neutron is used as a bullet to split uranium atom.

What type of particle is emitted when a U-235 decays to Np-235?

It is negative beta particle emitted by a uranium nucleus and converting it to neptunium nucleus.

What is the number of protons and neutrrons in a nucleus of uranium?

Uranium's atomic number is 92. Thus, all isotopes of uranium have 92 protons. The most common isotope of uranium is 238U, which has 238 - 92 = 146 neutrons.

What compose An alpha particle?

Actually right from the heavy nuclei such Uranium, Thorium etc a particle comes out. It seems composed of two protons and two neutrons. It is named as alpha particle by Henry Becquerel without knowing the actual composition of the same. If there be two protons inside, then it is named as Helium. So alpha particle is nothing but the Helium nucleus or doubly ionised Helium atom.

How many protons are in the nucleus of an atom of Uranium - 238?

Uranium atoms (no matter which isotope) ALL have the same number of protons 92. it is in the umber of neutrons that changes between the isotopes.

How many protons does the nucleus have?

That varies depending on the element: e.g. hydrogen has 1 proton, uranium has 92 protons.