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It is radiation (is energy), not matter (has no mass)

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Q: How many protons does gamma have?
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How many protons does gamma particles have?

None. A gamma ray is energy.

Emission of gamma rays does not change the atomic number of a nucleus?

no, gamma rays are very high frequency electromagnetic radiation and are not protons or electrons as alpha and beta radiation are respectively.

When an atom has an unbalanced ratio of protons and neutrons what will it do to try to stabilze itself?

release particles & gamma rays , A+

What type of radioactive decay releases energy from the nucleus without a change of protons neutrons?

This is a gamma-decay.

How do protons become antiprotons?

They don't. Proton-antiproton pairs are produced from high energy gamma ray photons.

How or where is gamma radiation formed?

In the atomic nucleus as protons and/or neutrons fall from excited states towards their ground state.

Do alpha particle same group with gamma ray?

Alpha particles are in the same group with gamma rays. Gamma rays helps remove all of the excise energy in a nucleus. Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons that are bound together.

How many protons and neutrons in gamma?

Gamma rays are electromagnetic (EM) energy, and they are at the extreme end of the EM spectrum above X-rays. These high energy, high frequency (short wavelength and short period) rays are created by atomic nuclei when atoms change their nuclear structure through radioactive (or nuclear) decay or when changing from a high energy state to a lower one. As gamma rays are produced in nuclear activity of some sort, if might be argued that neutrons and protons in the nucleus of an atom that is undergoing some sort of nuclear change are the ones responsible for gamma rays. The electrons in an atom are in the electron cloud, and they are not involved with the release of gamma rays.

How many protons are in a gamma radiation?

None. An alpha particle, i.e. a helium nucleus, is the only radiation which contains protons. It is impermeable to skin, so is a health threat only if you inhale it. Radon is an alpha emitter, which is why it is so nasty to breath. Gamma radiation is high-frequency electromagnetic radiation and is highly mutagenic, i.e. it damages DNA which can lead to the development of cancer. For practical purposes, it is synonymous with an x-ray: each occupy the same portion on the right (high frequency) side of the spectrum. The principal distinction is that Gamma radiation originates from an atomic nucleus.

Which of these types of radioactive decay does not produce an atom of a different element?

All forms of radioactive decay have emissions. Some, however, do not emit alpha, positive or negative beta, or gamma particles, and do not emit protons or neutrons either. In these, which include electron capture and double electron capture, neutrinos are emitted, but these are still considered particles.

How does the composition of gamma rays compare to the composition of alpha and beta particles?

Gamma rays are the most extremely energetic known electromagnetic radiation/light/photons. An Alpha particle is an energetic Helium nucleus: 2 protons, 2 neutrons, no electrons. Beta particles are high energy electrons or positions.

What are all the particles present inside the nucleus?

Electrons,neutrons,protons,beta particles,alpha particles,gamma rays,radium