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The average number of puppies in a Siberian Husky litter is 6-8 pups.

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How many can a Siberian husky breed?

The Siberian husky produces 6-8 puppies

What are husky puppies?

what the ****? WHAT ARE HUSKY PUPPIES!?!?!?! well, think about it. huskies are a breed of dog... and puppies are baby dogs... SO, what do you think HUSKY PUPPIES are?!?!?!

How many nipples does a husky have?

The amount of nipples a husky or dog has is the amount of puppies the are able to have, if the have six they can have up to six puppies, but that doesn't nessacarly mean that they WILL have that many puppies, it just means they are able to. -Kayla G.S Ottawa ON

What do husky puppies look like?

Husky puppies are often considered cute. They have long fluffy fur which can be many colours, from white to grey to brown. Many huskies have different coloured eyes, and this is a trait that is prominent from birth.

Husky Puppies For Sale?

Husky puppies are often sold in areas of the countries that experience cooler climates.. The best places to find husky puppies for sale are in northern areas of the U.S. and Canada.

How big are husky puppies when they're born?

Newborn husky puppies weigh around one pound, give or take an ounce.

What age can a husky have puppies?

the life span of a husky is 12-15 years

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Are all husky puppies born with blue eyes?

Usually, all puppies look like they have blue eyes when they are born, Their is a lot of Siberian Husky puppies that have blue eyes and they keep their blue eyes. Siberian Husky puppies can also have party color eyes blue and brown or one blue and one brown.

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Siberian husky average litter size?

hi, I have a Siberian husky and they tend to have 5 to 7 puppies,