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Q: How many questions should you prepare to ask the people who will host you during your job shadow?
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Can you have a list of questions of Pokemon xd?

Shadow Lugia.

Who answers questions at question time in Australian government?

Any member may ask any other member a question during question time, most questions are directed at members of the cabinet or shadow cabinet members.

During a solar eclipse the shadow of falls on?

During a solar eclipse, the shadow of the MOON falls on the EARTH.

What make the shadow during a lunar eclipse?

It's the Earth's shadow.

Did Sonic Kiss Shadow in Sonic X?

No, they didn't. And people should stop saying they love a couple on questions. It's not the question "what couple do you like?" is it?

Who is hotter silver or shadow?

I think that shadow is waaaaaaaaaayyyy hotter than silver.... but i do think silver is cute...but still shadow is way hotter!!!!!!! ^^)

Why does Shadow the Hedgehog kill people?

shadow the hedgehog does not kill people its the tails doll that kills people shadow just lonely and emo

How does the shadow changes during the year?

it changes cause when u get older your shadow does to

Why is the umbra during a lunar eclipse larger than during a solar eclipse?

The umbra of the Earth's shadow during lunar eclipse is larger than the umbra of the Moon's shadow during a solar eclipse because the Earth is much larger than the Moon is; so, the Earth's shadow is bigger than the Moon's shadow.

How many people like shadow the hedgehog?


What is the shadow during a total lunar eclipse?

The shadow is cast by the earth upon the moon.

Is shadow an alien?

a shadow of an object is NOT an alien. my name is hali who goes my school blanton who answered this. plus, my class is on! hope you have questions about this!