

Best Answer

blue eyes, red hair, bland hair, white hair, scoliosis, albinism, red eyes, black eyes, non tongue roller, attached ear lobe, cleft chin, widows peak, yellow eyes, deaf, eyes that change color depending on mood, mixed fingerprint, left handed, right brain dominant, autism, white eyes, different color eyes, blue-green eyes, nocturnal, pidgeon-toed.


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Q: How many recessive traits are there?
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Related questions

What is the difference dominant and recessive trait?

Dominant traits are the traits that mask the recessive traits. The dominant traits are stronger than recessive!

Are many undesirable traits in humans recessive?

the term recessive traits referrs to genetics there are no bad traits recessive traits are the ones that are less likely to show up such as lleft handedness dominate traits are things like eye color,the color of your hair and skin etc

Traits determined by recessive genes located on the x chromosomes are said to be?

Some traits are determined by recessive genes on the X chromosomes. Many times these are genetic disorders and are called recessive genes.

What is the controller of traits of an organism?

The traits an organism displays is a result of their genetics. Recessive traits tend to not show in many organisms.

What do organisms pass to their offspring?

They pass on traits. There are recessive traits and dominant traits. The dominant trait is normally the one that overpowers recessive

How many recessive traits must a person have to have albinism?

2 ~ apex

What is meaning of recessive traits?

an inherited character determined by a recessive gene

What kinds of traits seem to disappear sometimes?

Recessive Traits

In Mendel's experiment why did traits show up in the f1 generation that were not present in the f1 generation?

the traits were recessive

What genes are recessive traits?

These traits are called dominant traits. They will overcome the recessive gene and the dominant trait will be expressed. A recessive gene needs two alleles present in its genotype to be expressed.

Is an organism that is homozygous for many recessive traits at a disadvantage?

It depends on the trait. A dominate trait is not always an advantage, and a recessive trait is not always at a disadvantage.

What did Mendel call the observed trait and the trait that seemed to disappear?

he called the observed traits dominant and the disapear traits recessive.