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Q: How many representatives would each state have under the Virginia plan?
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The congress under the Virgina plan?

The Congress under the Virginia plan would have been a unicameral legislature with representation based on a state's population like the House of Representatives that we have today.

Details of both New Jersey and Virginia plans and suggest why a state would have supported one or the other?

The Virginia Plan wanted representation based on the population of a state. The New Jersey Plan wanted to all states to have the same number of representatives no matter the size of the state or it's population. A larger state would want the Virginia Plan because they would have more government representatives. Smaller states would support the New Jersey Plan because they would have equal representatives.

Why Virginia Plan is an important part of our nation's history?

If it weren't for the Virginia plan there probably would be no House of Representatives. This is because the Virginia plan stated that the number of representatives that each state has in congress should be based on the population of the state. Since the New Jersey plan stated that each state should have an equal amount of representatives, a compromise was made that is known as the great compromise. Today we have a senate where each state has an equal amount of representives (2). We also have the house of representatives where the amount of representatives is based on the population of the state.

How would the number of representatives in the House of Representatives be determined. under the great compromise?

The number would be determined by the population of each state.

Under the great compromise how would the number of representatives in the house of representatives be determined?

The number would be determined by the population of each state.

What point in the Virginia plan was objected to by supporters if the New Jersey plan?

that each state would get more representatives based on the state population.

which statement accurately describes the Virginia plan?

There would be 2 houses in Congress and representatives one be assigned a based on state population

How would states be represented under the house of representatives?

The number of representatives are proportioned according to the population in each state, but at least one representative is allowed for each state.

How were the parts of the New Jersey plan and Virginia Plan used to create the great compromise?

Since they both wanted a strong government, the legislative branch would have two houses. Each state would have two representatives in the senate. This gave each state and equal voice. In the house of representatives, the number of representatives for each state would be determined by the states population.

This document suggested the legislative branch have a House of Representatives and a Senate?

This was the Connecticut Compromise.The Connecticut Compromise was an agreement reached in 1787. It was passed by large and small states reached during the Constitutional Convention. It defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under the US Constitution. Each state would have 2 representatives in the Senate, and in the House of Representatives, the number of seats would depend on population.

How did the Virginia Plan and New Jersey plan differ?

The Virginia Plan called for a bicameral (two house) congress, in which a state's population would determine its number of representatives, however like under the Articles of Confederation every state would only have one vote. The New Jersey.called for a unicameral (one house) congress, in which each state would have equal representation. The New Jersey Plan also called for a separate Executive and Judicial branch, which the Articles of Confederation and the Virginia Plan did not call for.

What type of representation would states under the Virginia Plan?

According to the Virginia Plan, states with a large population would have more representatives than smaller states. Large states supported this plan, while smaller states generally opposed it. Under the New Jersey Plan, the unicameral legislature with one vote per state was inherited from the Articles of Confederation.