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Q: How many reserve constituiencies in legislative assembly of tamilnadu?
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Yes. TamilNadu Mercantile Bank or TMB is a scheduled commercial bank that is approved by the Reserve Bank of India. It offers commercial banking services like bank accounts, loans etc to its customers. Initially it only served customers in the state of TamilNadu, India and is now expanding its services to other states in the country.

Can the legislative branch coin money?

Indeed it can. The legislative branch can coin money.Answer:No, the legislature can spend money, spend money and create a deficit but they don't create money. The Federal Reserve Bank controls the money supply and the Mint actually produces the money.

Can Legislative Branch coin money?

Indeed it can. The legislative branch can coin money.Answer:No, the legislature can spend money, spend money and create a deficit but they don't create money. The Federal Reserve Bank controls the money supply and the Mint actually produces the money.

Is the federal reserve part of the private sector?

The Federal Reserve or Federal Reserve System is part of the U.S. Government and acts as the country's central bank. However, it operates independent of the President, the rest of the Executive Branch, and the Legislative Branch. The Federal Reserve gets its authority from Congress and is subject to congressional oversight. It is compose of 12 Federal Reserve Banks, as well as numerous private banks, a Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The FOMC establishes monetary policy. There are numerous other functions and responsibilities. See Sources and related links for a detailed description including the duties and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve.

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capital reserve is not a free reserve

Is revaluation reserve a capital reserve?

Yes...revaluation reserve is a part of capital reserve.

What is the formula for actual reserve?

excess reserve plus the reserve requirements

What is amalgamation reserve?

Amalgamation reserve means the expenses bear by Transferee company for amalgamation with Transferor company is treated as reserve, this reserve is called as amalgamation reserve

Where is the Reserve Branch in Reserve located?

The address of the Reserve Branch is: 170 West 10Th Street, Reserve, 70084 6202

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The USMC does have a reserve

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What part of speech is reservation?

Reserve is a noun (the reserve) and a verb (to reserve).