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Excommunication in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) is quite rare, although it was more common in the earliest days of the Church. The process and rules regarding excommunication are rather specific. The process works like this:

When a Church member commits a serious sin, it is their responsibility to visit with their local congregation leader (a Bishop) to receive counsel and support in repenting of the wrong. The Bishop will discuss the act of repentance with the individual and suggest a course of action. The vast majority of issues discussed with a Bishop require no formal disciplinary action. For more serious sins, the Bishop may choose to quietly place the individual on probation, meaning that they should not partake of the Sacrament (communion) or attend special Temple worship services (different than regular Sunday services) for a period of time until the issue is resolved. For the most serious sins, a "Church Court" is convened, comprised of local Church leaders. The Church Court will meet together and with the individual to decide whether no action, disfellowshipment, or excommunication should occur. Disfellowshipment is a step slightly higher than probation and lasts longer. It means that the individual, while still a member of the Church, may not hold a position in the Church, lead congregations or classes in prayer, or give sermons during worship services. If the individual is male, their rights to perform the ordinances of the Priesthood are put on hold.

Excommunication is the most serious form of Church discipline and must be decided by a Church Court. Excommunication is only possible in cases of murder, adultery, plural marriage (polygamy), incest, having apostatized and become openly antagonistic against the Church, abortion, having a transsexual operation, attempted murder, rape, forcible sexual abuse, intentionally inflicting serious physical injuries on others, fornication, homosexual relationships, child abuse (sexual or physical), spouse abuse, deliberate abandonment of family responsibilities, robbery, burglary, embezzlement, theft, sale of illegal drugs, fraud, or perjury. Those who hold leadership positions in the Church are held to a higher standard than recent converts or younger members. Teens and young adults are very rarely excommunicated for these behaviors, they are usually put on probation.

Excommunication, just like disfellowshipment and probation, is meant to be temporary. While excommunicated members are no longer members of the Church, they are encouraged to continue attending worship services and meet with the Bishop regularly to track their progress. Excommunicated members may be re-baptized and regain full fellowship in the Church if they choose to do so. The process would be the same as if they were a convert to the Church.

You can learn more about the rules and reasons of excommunication within the Church from the "Related Links" below.

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13y ago

What exactly do you mean by rules? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) does have expectations of it's members, but really the only rules are that if you cheat on your spouse, abuse anyone, commit a sexual crime, or murder someone, you can be kicked out.

Everything else is just an 'expectation', something that each church member should strive to do, but with the understanding that nobody is perfect. They are never considered 'rules', and there is no punishment for failure. These are:

Obey the 10 commandments:

-Thou shalt have no other gods before me (don't worship anyone or anything except God the Father and Jesus Christ)

-Thou shalt not make any graven image

-Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain (use the names of diety only in a respectful and worshipful manner)

-Remember the Sabbath day, keep it holy (attend Church on Sunday and use this day to rest and spend time with family, do not go shopping, attend sporting events, or perform work that could wait for another day)

-Honor your father and mother

-Thou shalt not kill

-Thou shalt not commit adultry

-Thou shalt not steal

-Thou shalt not bear false witness (be honest/don't lie)

-Thou shalt not covet (don't be jealous)

Obey the Word of Wisdom:

-avoid alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, coffee, tea, and other things containing 'harmful or addictive substances'

-eat whole grains, vegetables, and fruit in abundance, and eat meat sparingly

Obey the Law of Chastity:

-Be clean in thought, word, and action, dress modestly

-Avoid all forms of pornography

-Have no sexual relationships outside of a legal, monogamous, heterosexual marriage.

-Avoid homosexual activity

-do not have a roommate of the opposite gender (unless it's your spouse)

Develop a personal relationship with God though prayer and scripture study

Support and obey the counsel of modern living prophets

Obey the Biblical Law of Tithing and Law of the Fast

Strive to live a life in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Remember to always love God and love others.

Keep your obligations to your family and support traditional family values in your community

You can learn more about the "Mormon" church and it's members at the "Related Links" below.

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16y ago

Well, there are actually a lot of rules... missionaries usually carry them around in a little book. Some of the main ones that might be pertinent though... Missionaries can't date or be romantically involved with anyone during their missions. They generally aren't allowed to listen to the radio or watch movies or go swimming. They can't call their friends or family except twice a year, although thay can write letters (or e-mail) once a week. They don't watch TV or browse the internet. Missionaries are focused on their mission, and on helping the people they came to serve, so the other things are just distractions. Missionaries serve for two years (guys) or a year and a half (girls), and ... following the rules for that long doesn't kill you. :) I went on a mission, and it was a good experience to get away from all of the distractions of the world for a while and focus on spiritual things.

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14y ago

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) holds marriage and family in very high regard. The Church teaches that "marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God" and that "marriage between a man and woman is essential to God's plan." No other marriage, be it polygamous or homosexual, is allowed by the Church. Sexual relationships are to take place only within a legal marriage.

Church members may marry whenever, wherever, and whomever they want, so long as the marriage takes place between two consenting adults of the opposite sex. If they choose to be married in one of the Church's temples, it is believed that the marriage is 'eternal' - the couple will remain married in heaven. If the couple is not married in the temple it is believed that their marriage will be dissolved at death. Those who are not married in the temple may go to the temple to have their relationship 'sealed' for eternity later.

A husband and wife are expected to be equal partners in the marriage. They are to work together and pull an equal weight - one is not put above the other. It is believed that the best role for a man is as breadwinner and the best role for women is nurturing the family, but that is considered an ideal, not a rule. "By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners."

Divorce rates within the Church are about the same as the national average, although Church members are counseled to try to make things work before seeking divorce.

You can learn more about what Mormons believe about marriage and family at the "Related Links" below.

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12y ago

In order to become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church), you must believe in Jesus Christ. You believe that He is the Savior and Redeemer of all mankind, and you must have repented of your sins and personally accepted Him as your Savior. Baptism is the final step in accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior.

You must also believe in God the Father, also referred to as "Heavenly Father." You must believe that He is the literal spiritual Father of all mankind, and that He loves us infinitely. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth to provide a way for us to return to Him and dwell with Him forever.

You must believe in the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost, who's mission it is to bear witness of God the Father and Jesus Christ to our hearts, and you must have felt this Spirit witness to you personally that the Gospel of Jesus Christ as taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. You must be working through and with the Holy Spirit to have a greater relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ.

You must also believe that God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to the prophet Joseph Smith, and that Joseph Smith was given the authority to restore true New Testament Christianity to the earth. You must also believe that the prophetic line continued from Joseph Smith until the current day, that current Church leaders are authorized to receive revelation for the whole Church and can be regarded as prophets of God.

You must believe that the Holy Bible is the sacred Word of God, and also that the Book of Mormon is an additional witness of Jesus Christ to be used side-by-side with the Bible.

Finally, you must be living a clean lifestyle, both morally and physically. This includes eating a healthy diet, avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and other addictive or harmful substances, dressing modestly, and being virtuous and sexually pure (no sexual relationships outside of a legal heterosexual monogamous marriage are prohibited).

You can learn more about the Church at the "Related Links" below.

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12y ago

If a Mormon (member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) wants to stay a Mormon, they need to avoid murder, adultery, sexual or physical abuse, open apostasy (spreading anti-Mormon opinions), and homosexual relationships. These things can get someone excommunicated (kicked out) from the church.

In order to be considered a Mormon 'in good standing' (one able to hold leadership positions), a Mormon should do the following:

Obey the Ten Commandments (honor parents, honor God, don't take the name of God in vain, keep sabbath holy [no work, sporting events, shopping, etc on sunday], don't steal, etc)

Obey the Word of Wisdom (eat healthy, avoid alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea, and illegal drugs)

Obey the Law of Chastity (no sex outside of marriage, no living with someone of the opposite gender that is not your legal spouse or relative)

Mormons believe that when they are baptized they take upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ and that they are now examples of Him. Therefore they try to act as He would and be honest, kind, and charitable, avoid swearing and inappropriate language, uphold moral values, avoid inappropriate media, dress modestly, etc.

You can learn more about Mormons and the guidelines they follow at the "Related Links" below.

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9y ago

We don't have a list of rules, you couldn't count them. We believe that we should follow the example of Jesus Christ and obey the commandments of God as described in The Bible.

Here are the 'rules' that we follow (God's commandments):

>Love the Lord your God with all your heart (Matthew 22:37)

-If you love God, keep His commandments (John 14:15)

>Show love to everyone (Matthew 22:39; John 13:34)

>Follow the example of Jesus Christ in the New Testament (John 13:15; 1 Peter 2:21)

>Follow the 10 Commandments given to Moses (Exodus 20)

-No other Gods before me (Put God first)

-No graven images (do not worship symbols in place of God)

-Don't take the name of God in vain (also have clean language in general)

-Keep the Sabbath Day holy

-Honor your father and mother

-Do not kill

-Do not commit adultery (complete fidelity in marriage & no sexual relationships outside of a legal heterosexual marriage, keep dating relationships appropriate)

-Do not steal

-Do not bear false witness (no lying, cheating, dishonesty)

-Do not covet (no jealousy, be grateful for what God has blessed you with and willfully share with others)

>Care for the body that God made for you (do not drink, smoke, or do drugs; avoid addictive substances, live a healthy lifestyle, avoid dressing provocatively)

>Repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38)

>Preach the gospel to everyone that will listen (Mark 16:15)

Put simply, we believe that if you love God, you will want to obey Him, and the way to obey Him is listed quite plainly in the Bible. We do not have a list of 'rules'. Our Church has at times published certain guidelines which will help us stay in the standards that God has set (such as those in the 'For the Strength of Youth' pamphlet) but these are not strict rules, just an interpretation of how we can obey God's Commandments in modern times.

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6y ago

Most members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) don't view them as "rules" but as guidelines meant to help you improve your relationship with God. These guidelines are up to the interpretation of the individual, although there are many cultural expectations. A prospective Mormon seeking baptism, a Mormon serving as a missionary or in a leadership position, or a Mormon seeking to participate in sacred Temple ceremonies are held to a higher standard than a general member.

In general, a Mormon is expected to obey the following:

-The Great Commandment (love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself Matthew 22:36-39)

-The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17)

-Law of Chastity (no sex outside of a legal heterosexual marriage, complete fidelity to spouse, no pornography)

-Law of Tithing (10% of income to the church - you may define "income" however you choose)

-Word of Wisdom (health code prohibiting "hot drinks", "strong drinks" and tobacco and advocating grains and vegetables. Most interpret "hot drinks" to be coffee and black/green teas, "strong drinks" to be alcohol of any kind, and tobacco to include any addictive or harmful substance. Found in D&C section 89)

Of course nobody is perfect, and many Mormons struggle with following the 'rules'. We don't rat each other out or try to get people in trouble, we just acknowledge that everyone has a weakness and offer help and support.

In order to qualify for baptism, a prospective Mormon must:

-profess faith in God as their Eternal Father and in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as their Savior.

-profess a belief that the Church of Jesus Christ was restored through Joseph Smith and that the current President of the Church is a Prophet of God.

-Understand the need for repentance and feel that they have appropriately repented of any past transgression.

-If they have committed a serious crime (felony), participated in an abortion, or had homosexual sex, they must have confessed these sins to the Bishop or Mission President. (These sins do not prevent a person from being baptized, they are just more serious things that need to be discussed)

-declare a willingness to obey the law of chastity (no sex outside of a legal heterosexual marriage), the law of tithing, the Word of Wisdom (health code), and the law of the Sabbath (worship and give of time and talents to uplift the congregation)

-declare that they are willing and prepared to take upon themselves the name of Christ, strive to keep His commandments, and be faithful to the covenant they make with God at baptism.

In order to participate in temple ceremonies one must:

-profess faith in God as their Eternal Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit

-bear witness that Jesus Christ is their Savior and Redeemer

-profess a testimony in the restoration of the gospel through Joseph Smith

-be willing to sustain all church leaders from an international and local level

-live the law of chastity (no sex outside of a legal heterosexual marriage)

-have a family life in harmony with church teachings (no abuse, fulfilling obligations to spouse and children, etc and current with any child support or alimony)

-not support, affiliate, or agree with any group that is working in opposition to the church

-strive to keep any covenants they have made with God and actively participate in their congregation

-proclaim honesty in all their dealings

-declare that they pay a full tithe and obey the Word of Wisdom

-avoid provocative clothing and mannerisms

Missionaries and church leadership have additional rules which we won't go into here. these rules are to ensure the church is run smoothly and consistently and that church funds and properties are being used appropriately.

Of course everyone makes mistakes, and a Mormon will not be excommunicated from the church for something ridiculous like drinking coffee or getting a tattoo. Excommunication is only possible if they commit a very serious sin such as:

-committing a serious felony




-openly opposing the church

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This question may refer to the Missionaries of the Mormon Church; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Mormon Missionaries are unpaid volunteers who actively seek individuals interested in learning more about the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. As Christians, they believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior, and that God is our Heavenly Father. They believe this with such strong conviction (aka: Testimonies), that they volunteer to concecrate 1.5 to 2.0 years of their lives to serving a mission. Mormon Missionaries always travel in groups of 2 or more; two male missionaries are called 'Elders', even though they're 19 or 20 years old. Two lady missionaries are called 'Sisters'.

Can you ask the Mormon missionaries to take off shoes?

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