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Q: How many sattillites or robots went to venus and what was the name and year?
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How many robots were on venus and what is there name?

It is haré to answer so shut up

What is the name of robots that explored Venus and there year?

Justin 5

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i know one of the robots got the name ¨Reaper¨ I dont know the other robots name.

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There's no robots in HP!

The Romans name for Venus'?

the roman name for venus is venus. in Greece it is aphrodite.

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What is the Greek Goddess Venus's other name?

Venus is the name of the goddess of love in Roman Mythology. Aphrodite is the goddess of love in Greek Mythology. Venus has no other name in Roman Mythology. There are epithets given to Venus that are used along with her name to describe aspects of her role or influence. For example, Venus Felix, which means Lucky Venus and Venus Libertina, which means Venus the Freedwoman. There are many of the epithets used to speak of Venus. For a full list and further detail about these see the related links.

What is Aphrodite's Latin name?

If you mean her Roman equivalent, then it is Venus.

How many year old was Aphrodite?

Aphrodite is thousands of years old. She is also known as Venus. Venus is her Roman name, Aphrodite is her Greek name.

Is Venus' or Venus' school of beauty correct?

The apostrophe S is technically correct (Venus's) but many people who use the name leave off the second S for appearance, or just name it Venus School of Beauty and avoid the problem altogether.

What name of the robots or satellite went to Uranus?

what years and what are the robots names the nade it to uranus