

How many scientists believe in ghosts?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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Many scientists believe that there is an after life after death, and that there is a hell. Some souls are deemed to relieve their death, over and over again, as a part of their hell. But, with all of the pictures and proof, and ghost shows that have been coming out. Its hard to believe that nothing happens after we die.

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True scientists are not fool to believe in ghosts.

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Many people believe dogs and cats have a 6 sense. (like some humans have.) It allows them to sense and see spirits, Ghosts and demons. After Alot of research. Scientists believe this also.

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Their are a lot of people that believe in ghosts, and their are a lot of people who don't believe in ghosts. No one really knows how many people believe in ghosts, but mostly thousands believe in ghosts. Some people can sense their presence, and the negative energy they bring.

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29% would believe in ghosts. 71% wouldn't believe in ghosts.

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Scientists can't even prove that ghosts are real and if they were (which I don't believe), it probably wouldn't be any more toxic than that from a human.

Do scientists believe in ghosts?

some do. some think it is just people over reacting, some believ in ghosts because they have been haunted by the spirit of ghosts. Ghosts produce energy that is easy to spot and pick up in the air. Whether you believe in them in is your own choice! Ghost Buster

What do scientist say about ghosts?

some believe in ghosts and some dont. ghosts produce energy that can be picked up by special machines, anyway, i think scientists are to busy making a cure for cancer to be searching for ghosts, dont you you think!! Ghost Buster

How many ghosts are in the world?

If you believe in ghosts, than there are many ghosts in the world. There is not an exact answer because some move on just as some die and become ghosts.

How many people in the world believe in ghosts?

About 60%

Can scientists prove the existence of ghosts?

Though many claim to have created "methods" to communicate with ghosts, it is highly questionable! There are people who claim that they can talk to "ghosts" and can tell you what they want and ect. Again it is highly possible that these are fakes. But the only method that I believe can provide some proof for extra natural is through the EM field fluctuations.

How many people believe in god but do not believe in ghosts?

I'm sure if you believe in God then you will believe in Spirits and Demons.

Is ghost aventures the show real ghosts?

No. There is no definitive evidence that ghosts exist, though many people believe they do.