

How many seasons are in Antarctica when the sun is up?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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9y ago

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Generally, and depending on where you are on the continent, you can experience sunshine during Spring, Summer and Fall. Closer to the Antarctic Circle, there is only one 24-hour period with no sunrise, and that day is during the Winter.

Note that the South Pole experiences one sunrise/ sunset per year.

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Q: How many seasons are in Antarctica when the sun is up?
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What are the four seasons like in antarctica?

The Antarctic seasons are differently mostly because of the difference in sun rise and sun set times, depending on where on the continent you are. Because it's too cold to grow anything, there is no change in landscape. Antarctica is the coldest, highest, driest, windiest and darkest continent on earth. Seasons are typically only marked on a calendar: the extreme cold weather may fluctuate 50 degrees in temperature, the warmest being about 10 degrees above zero when the sun has been up for several months.

How many hours is the sun up per day in Antarctica's summer?

For most of the continent, the sun doesn't set for months during early spring and summer.

How are seasons in Antarctica different from seasons on other parts of Earth?

Seasons are not dramatically different, except that the amount of sunlight differs dramatically from summer to winter. Temperatures on the continent are consistently too cold to support life or any kind of food chain. Since no substantive vegetation grows there, there is no visible difference in the seasons.

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Who long does the sun stay up in Antarctica?

24 hours, then the moon also stays up for 24 hours.

If earth's axis were straight up and down relative to the sun?

Then we wouldn't have any seasons.

What are astronomers doing in Antarctica at the moment?

Since it's the second day of summer in Antarctica, the sun is up until about February. When the sun sets and remains below the horizon for months, astronomers will study the southern hemisphere of stars in our gallaxy.

What causes earth changing seasons?

earth's elliptical orbit around the sun causes the changes. (science fact: as earth gets closer to the sun, it goes faster.) look up on Google images of "earth's orbit and seasons"

Can you see the sun in antarctica?

Sunlight reaches Antarctica, when the northern hemisphere is in winter. In the Antarctic summer the sun does not set. Instead, it loops around the horizon.

Which countries make up the continent of Antarctica?

no countries make up Antarctica Antarctica just makes up Antarctica

What year did Antarctica break up?

Antarctica has not broken up.

Crops in Antarctica?

There are none. It's too cold, the permafrost is too close to the surface, and the growing seasons are much too short to be of any use to grow any crops up there. Food has to be flown in by a cargo plane for the people to actually live in Antarctica.