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Q: How many seats does the Democratic Party have in the Texas senate?
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Which party has the majorty of seats in the senate?

As of 2010, the Democratic Party controls the majority in the Senate. There are currently 57 Democrats, as well as two independents (Bernard Sanders and Joe Lieberman) who are members of the Democratic Caucus.

How many seats does democratic party hold?

56 seats are in the Democratic Party

What is the majority party in the U.S. senate?

As of the 2012 election, the Democratic Party has the majority. There are 53 Democrats in the US Senate, and the two independent senators caucused with the Democrats, so the majority party has 55 seats. The minority party, the Republican party, has 45 seats.

What happened in the 1974 congressional elections?

242 U. S. House seats and 19 U. S. Senate seats under Democratic control remained under Democratic control. 138 U. S. House seats and 10 U. S. Senate seats under Republican control remained under Republican control. 49 U. S. House seats and 4 U. S. Senate seats went from Republican control to Democratic control. 6 U. S. House seat and 1 U. S. Senate seat went from Democratic control to Republican control. Net changes: The Republican Party lost 43 House seats and 3 Senate seats. The Democratic Party gained 43 House seats and 3 Senate seats. The change was due largely to the embarrassment brought onto the Republican Party when former President Nixon's role in the Watergate break-in and cover-up was revealed.

Which political party currently holds majority of the seats in the House of Representatives?

As of 2021, the Democratic Party holds the majority of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.

What political party does Oregon belong to?

Oregon is essentially a Democratic State and in 2009 it has a Democratic Governor, both Senate Seats and four of its five Member of the US House are Democrats.

What was the result of 1945-1946 elections?

The Republican Party had a net gain of 13 seats in the Senate and 57 seats in the House of Representatives, resulting in a transfer of control of both houses of Congress from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. Democratic President Harry Truman could get very little cooperation from them and referred to them as the "Do Nothing Congress". The Democratic Party regained control of both houses two years later.

What party holds majority seats in US House Of Reps?

As of the 2012 election in the US, the minority party in the Senate is the Republican Party. There are 45 Republicans in the Senate, 53 Democrats, and 2 Independents. The Independents caucused with the Democrats, so the majority party has 55 seats.

How many seats does the Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party hold?

The Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party is a political party in Iraq that currently has two seats in the Kurdistan National Assembly.

What other parties hold seats in the opposition?

In the Senate, the Liberal Party of Canada and one senator who sits as a Progressive Conservative. In the House of Commons, the New Democratic Party, the Liberal Party, the Bloc Québécois and the Green Party.

Who controlled the us congress from 1976-1980?

94th Congress (1975-1977)Majority Party: Democrat (60 seats)Minority Party: Republican (38 seats)Other Parties: 1 Conservative; 1 IndependentTotal Seats: 100 95th Congress (1977-1979)Majority Party: Democrat (61 seats)Minority Party: Republican (38 seats)Other Parties: 1 IndependentTotal Seats: 100 96th Congress (1979-1981)Majority Party: Democrat (58 seats)Minority Party: Republican (41 seats)Other Parties: 1 IndependentTotal Seats: 100

Who controlled the U.S. House of Representatives in 1977?

Majority: The Democratic Party (292 Seats) Largest Minority: The Republican Party (143 Seats) Speaker of the House: Tip O'Neill, Massachusetts Majority Leader: Jim Wright, Texas