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Q: How many seconds at freeway speeds you should scan at least ahead to compensate for how much faster you'll have to absorb visual information?
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What is the importance of skimming in comprehension?

It increases reading speed. Again, it saves time since one can absorb information from a text within a few seconds or minutes.

What is the sentence for absorb?

The word absorb means to soak up liquid or take in information. A sentence for the word absorb could be, in their formative years, a child can absorb information at a faster rate than when they are older.

How long does it take for bounty to absorb water?

50 seconds or less

Does the pores absorb things that touch the body?

Yes. Like if you were to hold whatever it was there for a few seconds they would absorb the whatever. Depending on what it is you might not absorb it immediatly. Things such as metals and minerals and lotion. It might take a few minutes for a small amount to absorb into your body.

What is the fastest way to absorb poison?

Inhaled poisins take approximately 7 seconds to reach the brain.

How does the sun plant compensate for the higher level of respiration?

I believe, from the Biozone, that it compensates by spending much more energy on producing thicker leaves which allows it to absorb higher light intensities.

What does constrapulate mean?

To absorb information and take action

How much does a plant absorb oxygen per day?

Depends on how big it is, where it is and what kind of plant it is. MistroJoe

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what it is like how it's made where it's from what absorb the cloud

Should you underline text in an HTML document?

It depends what your writing about and how you want the reader to absorb the information.

Which phrase best describes absorption?

I used the sponge to absorb the spilled liquid. A special additive helps to absorb the odor in cat litter. He tried to concentrate so that he could absorb the information in class.