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Q: How many sensory neuron does the human body have?
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What is the flow of information in a spinal reflex arc in the correct order?

The reflex arc includes the sensory neuron (sensory intake) to the motor neuron (motor response). This two neuron arc is the fastest. Many times an interneuron at the level of the spinal cord is involved. It passes information to the brain more slowly. It is like an "incident report".

How many synapses occur in this reflex arc?

there are 2 - one between the sensory and relay neurones; the other between the relay and motor neurones.

The routes nerve impulses from your senses?


Is the sensory neuron multipolar?

No, they (sensory neurons) are either pseudounipolar or bipolar.To memorize, remember the word "M" for Multi-unipolar, and "M" for "Motor" (fibres).

What does a neuron look like?

The parts of a generic neuron are:- soma - cell body axon - upto 1 meter long dendrite - many

How many types of sensory receptors are found on the human head?

All 5.

What is the function of the motor neuron?

Neurons come in many sizes. For example, a single sensory neuron from your fingertip has an axon that extends the length of your arm, while neurons within the brain may extend only a few millimeters. Neurons have different shapes depending on what they do. Motor neurons that control muscle contractions have a cell body on one end, a long axon in the middle and dendrites on the other end; sensory neurons have dendrites on both ends, connected by a long axon with a cell body in the middle.

Where would you find cell bodies of sensory neurons?

The epididymis is lined by a pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium that contains two types of cells - principle cells and basal cells. Principle cells are tall, columnar cells topped by many, long, thin microvilli called stereocilia.

The most type of neuron in the human body is?

Multipolar neurons This is the most common type of neuron, with one axon and many dendrites. Multipolar neurons are so-named because they have many (multi-) processes that extend from the cell body: lots of dendrites plus a single axon. Functionally, these neurons are either motor (conducting impulses that will cause activity such as the contraction of muscles) or association (conducting impulses and permitting 'communication' between neurons within the central nervous system).

How many bones in the human body How many muscles in the human body?

there are 600 muscles in the human body and there are,206 bones in the body

What are neurons serve as links between the sensory neurons and the motor neurons?

Interneurons, which make sense--they're the intermediaries. Many interneurons can send simultaneous messages to the brain and motor neurons--this is called a reflex arc.This is the interneuron. It is in the spinal cord. They act as a "go between" the sensory neuron and the motor neuron. They also send information to the brain so that the brain is aware.Reflex arcs do NOT have these interneurons.

Give ten cells in the human body?

Neuron Erythrocyte (RBC)LymphocyteLeucocyte (WBC)Bone cellHepatocyte (Liver cell)Sperm cellOocyte (Egg cell)Goblet cellEndothelial cell(there are many more, obviously)