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Q: How many serving in a hotel pan for lasagna?
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How many serving in a 2' hotel pan?

There are many variables that you did not supply, like what you are serving. Being that different food items have different density you would get more portions of let's say jello in a 2" hotel pan as compared to chicken cutlet. I can tell you that for a 2 "pan you need to portion by weight into each pan to accurately estimate portions. Portions are always calculated by weight not volume.

Can you Freeze then thaw lasagna in anchor hocking pan?

I have many, many times with no problem

Where can one purchase a lasagna pan online?

There are many places one can purchase a lasagna pan online. Such place include Overstock, Walmart, Fred Meyer, Amazon, eBay, BakersEdge and Craigslist.

Can lasagna be made in a metal pan?


How many servings of lasagna are in 9 x 13 pan?

The answer depends on the measurement units used and also on how large the helpings are.

Do you bake lasagna frozen or defrost it first?

Yes you do cook lasagna before freezing it.

How many 6 oz servings in a 6 hotel pan?


How many ounces in a 2 inch hotel pan?

80 ounces

How many ounces in a one-sixth hotel pan?

72 oz in a 6 pan, 78 oz to top off

How many portions of mash potatoes in a 2 hotel pan?

40 portions

How many Pan Pacific Hotels are there in Seattle?

Currently there is only one Pan Pacific Hotel in the city of Seattle. This hotel is located in the downtown area and can be found on Terry Avenue. It is one of the many luxury hotels in Seattle, WA.

Is there any way to get a discount on the Pan Pacific Seattle Hotel?

"Yes, you can get a discount at the Pan Pacific Seattle Hotel. There are different websites that allow you to book online, at discounted prices. As with any hotel, Pan Pacific Seattle Hotel will want to make sure that they can sell as many rooms as possible because there is no way to make up for lost revenue."