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32 where 3/4=.75, 24 oz divided by .75 = 32,

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Q: How many servings in a bag of 24 ounce potato chips when the serving size is 3 over 4 fraction of an ounce?
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How much fat is in potato chips?

How much fat or calories are in potato chips varies by the type and serving size. In a one ounce serving of plan potato chips there are 10 grams of fat and an estimated 152 calories.

How many calloies are in potato chips?

About 160 calories per serving.

How many calories are in 100 grams of potato chips?

Calories in 100g of potato chips (potato crisps)Here are some examples:Approx 547 calories in 3½ or 100g serving of average, plain, salted potato chipsApprox 536 calories in 3½ or 100g serving of average, plain, unsalted potato chipsApprox 491 calories in 3½ or 100g serving of barbecue flavor chipsApprox 531 calories in 3½ or 100g serving of sour cream and onion flavor chipsApprox 496 calories in 3½ or 100g serving of cheese flavor chipsApprox 471 calories in 3½ or 100g serving of reduced fat potato chipsApprox 551 calories in a 3½ or 100g serving of chips made from dried potatoes, cheese-flavorApprox 496 calories in 3½ or 100g serving of sweet potato chips.

What food group are potato chips in?

Technically potato chips are under the vegetable food group. However, a serving of chips should not be considered a serving if you are looking to eat the recommended daily amount of vegetables and is a snack.

How many servings is 18 pounds of chips?

81.65 servings of chips are present in 18 pounds of chips.

Where does potato chips come from?

Potato chips were invented in Louisiana in 1853.

What major nutrient increases per serving when comparing baked potato vs regular chips?


Why are chips called chips not potato chunks?

because they are little chips of the potato not big chunks

Why are potato chips called chips?

because they are "chips" off the potato. like a wood chip.

Do potato chips cause constipation?


