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Q: How many shops were destroyed in hurricane Katrina?
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Why were people affected by looting during hurricane Katrina?

Because many shops were destroyed it was an oppotunity fro people to take anything which was not harmed due to that there was no security because of the shops which were destroyed

How many lend were destroyed fro hurricane Katrina?


How many villages were destroyed in hurricane Katrina?

Villages? I think towns if the word your looking for.

Which city did the Hurricane Katrina destroy?

Bridges and levees are just two of the man made structures that were destroyed by hurricane Katrina. Many homes, schools, and businesses were also destroyed when hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana.

How many refugees were caused by Hurricane Katrina?

350000 refugees were caused after the Hurricane Katrina.

How many tornadoes did hurricane Katrina form?

Hurricane Katrina produced 54 confirmed tornadoes.

Did hurricane Katrina cause a thunderstorm?

Hurricane Katrina caused many thunderstorms, as do all hurricanes.

How many deaths did hurricane Katrina cause mexico?

None. All deaths from Hurricane Katrina were in the U.S.

How many people went missing in Hurricane Katrina?

hurricane katrina left 705 people missing

What personal effects Hurricane Katrina?

Many people losts there homes, dear family members or friends, and were unemployed because of there business destroyed.

How many people are still do not have homes because of Hurricane Katrina?

about 1.2 million ppl have no homes do to the hurrican Katrina doesnt that suck i think so having being destroyed by a huge wind

What controversy arose from Hurricane Katrina?

After hurricane Katrina there were many accusations that the federal response was too slow and inadequate.