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There are too many variables for this question to be meaningful. Your BAC depends on how big you are, how quickly you're drinking, and the "proof" of the vodka.

A 180 pound man would get there after about 8 "drinks"in an hour, but for a 100 pound woman it would take only 4 "drinks" in the same time. I've put "drinks" in quotes because those numbers are based on the drinks containing 0.5 fluid ounces of alcohol. 1 shot of 80 proof vodka is a bit more than one "drink".

2.0 is not really in the "immediately lethal" range, but it's getting there.

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Q: How many shots of vodka does it take to equal a blood alcohol level of 2.0?
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How many shots to be over blood alcohol level?

1 drink takes you over.

What happens if you drink 20 shots tequila?

Twenty shots of pure alcohol in one sitting would undoubtedly be fatal. Twenty shots of just about any kind of liquor has the potential to be fatal if taken one after the other, regardless of the tolerance of the drinker. A lucky drinker would pass out or throw up before getting it all down. The unlucky one would be the "winner."

How much is 2 centiliters?

2 centiliters is equal to 20 milliliters.

How long do you wait till blood alcohol level is zero?

Roughly one hour per drink plus one more hour. So, roughly: 1 beer and 1 shot: 3 hours 2 shots and 1 glass of wine: 4 hours Mixed drinks vary, depending on alcohol content. (If a drink has 2 shots of Irish Cream and 1 shot of rum, it counts as 3 shots).

Is 8 shots of alcohol too much?

no, 8 shots is nothing

How many 1.5 oz shots in 950 ml of alcohol?

You can get about 21 1.5-ounce shots from 950 mL of alcohol.

How much alcohal in a peg?

There is a lot of alcohol in a keg of beer. If it is a ½ barrel it will have 15.5 gallons of beer of which about 3 quarts, is pure alcohol. That is equal to 60 shots in 1 ½ oz glasses, of 200 proof pure grain alcohol.

What is blood alcohol with 16 glasses of wine?

More information is needed in order to answer this question. However, the alcohol content of 16 glasses of wine is the same as that of 16 beers or 16 shots of distilled spirits.

How many standards shots of alcohol for a male per day?

Two for men, one for women, who do not metabolize alcohol as quickly as men.

What would the alcohol level in your blood be after four beers and two shots of vodka be in a one hundred ten pound girl be?

.02 for each drink, beer, liquor or wine. so it would be a .1, weight onlydetermines how quickly the alcohol gets into your bloodstream. .02 for each drink, beer, liquor or wine. so it would be a .1, weight onlydetermines how quickly the alcohol gets into your bloodstream.

Is jello shots achohal?

Jello shots contain alcohol. They can be dangerous because you don't now how much alcohol you are consuming. They also mask the taste of the alcohol and children might eat them and get sick or even die.

Do mosquitoes give you shots?

Yes mosquitoes give you shots on blood and they get it drawed