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Q: How many sikhs are there in russia?
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Can you name some Sikhs who are still alive?

Many Sikhs I am one of them

How many gurus to Sikhs have?

Sikhs have 10 Gurus, all of which has died.

How many Sikhs are there in Britan?

There are approximately 750, 000 Sikhs that live in Britain.

Do Sikhs not allow some animals to be eaten?

Many Sikhs eat many kinds of animals, so this is not true.

How many Sikh live in India?

19,215,730 Sikhs live in India

How many practising Sikhs are there?

In total there are around 25 million sikhs. It depends on how you view it on practising terms.

Why do Sikhs do yoga?

Yoga is just one of many exercises Sikhs can choose to keep their bodies healthy.

How many Sikhs are there in the north of Africa?

There are almost no Sikhs in North Africa. The overwhelming majority of Sikhs live in India, Pakistan, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

How Many Sikhs Live in the World and Where?

There are about 25 million Sikhs worldwide. The vast majority of Sikhs live in the Panjab, a part of northern India. Sikhs live in just about every major country around the world. It is estimated that 500,000 to 700,000 Sikhs live in the United States.

How many Sikhs live in Gravesend?


How many country's have Sikhs?

1.many countries have sikhs. maximum in India....... 2.Sikhs live around the world. A Sikh can be found right from Canada to Malaysia...Europe to New Zealand. Maximum Sikhs live in Punjab, USA, Canada, UK, Italy etc etc...

How many people are sikhs?

Worldwide, there are 25,800,000 (25.8 million) Sikhs, but around 75% of Sikhs live in the Indian state of Punjab, where they are close to 59.9% of the population. Large communities of Sikhs live in the neighboring states, and large communities of Sikhs can be found across India. However, Sikhs are only about 2% of the Indian population