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Q: How many slaves survived transport to the western hemisphere?
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What was the ratio of slaves who died while aboard ships to the New World to those who survived the trip?

There are no verifiable statistics regarding the survival rates of slaves from Africa to any part of the Western Hemisphere. This applies to any part of the hemisphere as well.

What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves?

Africans from West Africa were taken to the Western Hemisphere and sold as slaves to the European colonists.

Where in the western hemisphere were African slaves brought?

ghana, nigeria, benin republic, togo

When were most slaves brought to North America?

Africans came to the western hemisphere not as slaves at first. They came as indentured servants. However, it was believed to be 1619 when the Africans were brought as slaves from the western part of Africa.

This is the term used to describe the part of Triangle Trade in which slaves were shipped from Africa to the Western Hemisphere?

Middle Passage

What is the term used to describe the part of triangle trade in which slaves were shipped from Africa to western hemisphere?

Middle Passage

How many slaves survived the journey to the Americas?

Roughly 10.7 million slaves survived the Middle Passage.

During which century were Africans first forcibly brought to the western hemisphere and the New World?


What developments in the Western Hemisphere most directly resulted from the French Revolution?

The creation of the first independent republic in the Americas populated primarily by former slaves.

How did the abolition of slavery change the nations of the western hemisphere?

Although the slavery was officially abolished, in practice, it wasn't. However, slaves started to protest for their rights.

What is one reason African slaves were traded to countries in the western hemisphere?

If we disregard issues of human rights or morality, the slave trade was very profitable.

How many slaves survived the middle passage?

about 10 or 11 million survived the middle passage.