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every time you do the mission the number changes go to the pet shop and there is a piece of paper solve the code with your decoder the decoder is on the bottom right of the screen

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Q: How many socks dose the sport shop oner have on club peaiguin?
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How many socks dose g have in club penguin?


How many pairs of socks dose mr g own club penguin?

G has 33 pairs of socks.

How many socks dose g own on club pengUIN 2011?


How paof socks dose g have on Club Penguin?

G has 64 pairs of sox

What is the answer to g's question Club Penguin about how many socks dose he have?

there are different and you have to go pet shop to unlock the code

How do you beat mission 2 in club penguin?

go to the ice rink and get the pistures of the green puffle bring them back to aunt aritacl and then go to the sport shop and talk to dr g he will ask you how many socks dose he own and then go to the pet shop and read the code on the puffle house it wiil tell you how many socks he has!

How many Paris of socks dose g own on club penguin?

Well the answer changes every time you play But it is hidden in the puffle shop in code

How many socks dose Mr g have on club penguin?

its random go to puffle shop tehre is a note that tells u how to read its in agent code

How many pairs of socks dose g have?

forty eight

How many socks dose doctor g have on club penguin?

It changes every time. You need to do what he says, like on my mission mine was 11. So sorry, I can't help you there. It changes every time you try it again.

If Hannah Montana plays Club Penguin?

hanna Montana does not lay club penguin i think. If she does play club penguin then she plays after her program. If she dose not play then its because she dose her program Hannah Montana. That's what i will say if i were you. hanna Montana does not lay club penguin i think. If she does play club penguin then she plays after her program. If she dose not play then its because she dose her program Hannah Montana. That's what i will say if i were you. hanna Montana does not lay club penguin i think. If she does play club penguin then she plays after her program. If she dose not play then its because she dose her program Hannah Montana. That's what i will say if i were you. hanna Montana does not lay club penguin i think. If she does play club penguin then she plays after her program. If she dose not play then its because she dose her program Hannah Montana. That's what i will say if i were you. hanna Montana does not lay club penguin i think. If she does play club penguin then she plays after her program. If she dose not play then its because she dose her program Hannah Montana. That's what i will say if i were you. hanna Montana does not lay club penguin i think. If she does play club penguin then she plays after her program. If she dose not play then its because she dose her program Hannah Montana. That's what i will say if i were you. hanna Montana does not lay club penguin i think. If she does play club penguin then she plays after her program. If she dose not play then its because she dose her program Hannah Montana. That's what i will say if i were you. hanna Montana does not lay club penguin i think. If she does play club penguin then she plays after her program. If she dose not play then its because she dose her program Hannah Montana. That's what i will say if i were you. hanna Montana does not lay club penguin i think. If she does play club penguin then she plays after her program. If she dose not play then its because she dose her program Hannah Montana. That's what i will say if i were you. no wat she dose play its fanshaw i know because im her my paswords dodle1226 i want a membership also i have 2 so my ther one is katopenguin my pass bubbly plz don't buy anything except a membership if possible a 12 month thank u by

How do you post a party on Club Penguin?

you can't but the Club penguin Team dose