

How many sodium atoms in Na2O?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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There are two sodium atoms in each molecule of Na2O, as indicated by the subscript immediately after the symbol for sodium atoms in the formula.

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Q: How many sodium atoms in Na2O?
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Na2O is sodium oxide. It contains the elements, sodium and oxygen. The chemical formula tells us that there are 2 sodium atoms and 1oxygen atom . It is a highly reactive compound, which will readily dissolve in water to form sodium hydroxide. Na2O + H2O = 2NaOH .

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The chemical formula for sodium oxide is Na2O.

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How many sodium ions there in 85g of sodium oxide Na2O?

The number of sodium ions is 16,518.10e23.

How many sodium ions in 6.2 grams of Na2O?

Na2O or sodium oxide is an ionic compound.The formula mass of Na2O is 2(23.0) + 16 = 62.0 Amount of Na2O = 6.2/62.0 = 0.1mol In each formula unit of Na2O there are two singly positively charged Na+ ions. So, amount of sodium ions = 0.2 moles.

How is the compound Na2O formed?

The compound Na2O is formed through a reaction between sodium metal (Na) and oxygen gas (O2). During this reaction, the sodium atoms lose electrons to become positively charged ions (Na+), while the oxygen atoms gain electrons to become negatively charged ions (O2-). These ions combine to form the ionic compound Na2O.