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Q: How many soldiers was Germany allowed to have in their army as laid out in the treaty?
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Who wrer the Nazis?

the nazis were hitlers personal army. he developed the nazis because the treaty of versilles only allowed germany to have an army of 100 000.

What happened after world was 1 to the German army?

The Treaty of Versailles reduced the German army to 100,000 men. However, Germany negotiated the Treaty of Rapallo with the Soviet Union that allowed them to station a further 100,000 men there.

What were the punishments given Germany after ww1 in the treaty Versailles?

Germany army decreased for example Germany was only allowed 6 battleships , army of 100,000 troops, Germany was blamed for the start off the war, places of Germany was taken away (Germany got smaller) any colonies Germany had they were given back,

How many men were there in the German wehrmact army in ww2?

Well, in WW1 due to treaty of Versailles, Germany were only allowed an army of 100,000 men! In a German platoon, I'd say around 30-70 men

What did Hitler do that was so violation to the treaty of Versailles?

Germany wasn't allowed to build up its army or attack other countries. Hitler did both of these things.

How many German soldiers served in the German army at the end of world war 1?

It would be hard to say how many soldiers were fighting for Germany in the last days of World War One. However I can tell you that according to the book, About the Great War (by Michael E. Hanlon, El Sobrante, CA, THC Publishing, 1992) 1,808,000 German soldiers were killed in WW1. According to the Treaty of Versaille, Germany was only allowed to have a defense force of 100,000 soldiers.

What is the size of Germany's current army?

Under the treaty of 12 September 1990 which allowed for the reunification of Germany there is an overall maximum of 360,000 personnel in the German armed forces.

How did militarism affect the Treaty of Versailles?

Germany had to shorten their army or military.

Why did the treaty of Versailles ban Germany from maintainingan army?

reperations or territory

What was Germany's army limited to?

the germany army was limited to 100,000 soldiers and they were banned from being able to have tanks,planes, and subs.

What was the size restriction on Germany's army after World War 1?

Army - was to be reduced to 100,000 men and no tanks were allowed .Navy - Germany was only allowed 6 ships and no submarines .Airforce - Germany was not allowed an airforce .Rhineland - The Rhineland area was to be kept free of German military personnel and weapons.

What major decisions were made in the Versailles treaty?

Some major decisions made in the Versailles treaty were: Germany was allowed to have only an army and a navy and not an air force. Germany was forced to pay reparations to cover the losses of the victors, all countries should be a part of the League of Nations, secret treaties were not allowed, countries should govern themselves and countries should reduce their armies strength and weapons.