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0 as u have a full stop...

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Q: How many spaces after the end of a sentence?
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Related questions

How many spaces are there after a comma at the end of a sentence?

Commas do not go at the end of sentences. Periods go at the end of sentences. Generally when typing on a computer, you should have two spaces after the period at the end of a sentence.

How many spaces are after the period in an abberviation?

one space after and abberviation two spaces at the end of a sentence

How many spaces do you leave after a question mark at the end of a sentence?

One space is sufficient.

How many spaces follow an exclamation mark at the end of a sentence?

One space is sufficient.

How many times do you space after a period used with an initial?

Normally two spaces indicates the end of a sentence.

How many spaces follow a question mark?

The most widely accepted use of spaces today entails that one space be left between the end of sentence and the beginning of another. A question mark denotes the end of an interrogatory sentence, thus it is most common to leave one space after a question mark before starting the next sentence. It is also acceptable, though less common, to leave two spaces between sentences.

How many spaces are left after a comma within a sentence?

1 space.

How many spaces after a abbreviation?

Unlike the period at the end of a sentence (which have one or two spaces), the period following an abbreviation only needs one space. This is the general rule for abbreviations such as Dr., Jr., or Sr.

How many spaces should follow a semicolon in a sentence?

There should be one space.

How many spaces are there between a period at the end of a sentence and the beginning of the next sentence?

Typically, only one space is used between a period at the end of a sentence and the beginning of the next sentence in modern writing practices. Older typewriting conventions used two spaces, but single-spacing has become the standard in most writing styles today.

Should you space twice after a period at the end of a sentence?

You can leave two spaces if you wish but if you do, you must be consistent. I was originally taught to leave two spaces but now only ever leave one.

How many spaces come after a period to begin the next sentence?

In standard writing conventions, one space is used after a period to begin the next sentence. However, some style guides recommend using two spaces for improved readability in printed text.