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One space is sufficient.

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Q: How many spaces follow an exclamation mark at the end of a sentence?
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How many spaces should follow a semicolon in a sentence?

There should be one space.

How many spaces are needed before and after a exclamation mark?


How many spaces follow an abbreviation?

The number of spaces that follow an abbr. is one.

How many spaces after a question mark at the end of a sentence?

One space is sufficient.ANS2:If your typeface is a Truetype font, a single space after a period, exclamation point or question mark will be properly expanded. If you are using a typewriter or a monospace font you should give a double space after a period, exclamation point or question mark.

How many spaces follow an apostrophe in a contraction?

There aren't any spaces after the apostrophe in a contraction (did you see what I did?)

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How many spaces follow apostrophe that shows omission?


How many spaces are after the period in an abberviation?

one space after and abberviation two spaces at the end of a sentence

Why in spanish is there an exclamation mark at the beginning and end of a sentence?

In Spanish, an upside-down exclamation mark (ยก) at the beginning of a sentence is used to indicate an exclamatory sentence. The regular exclamation mark (!) at the end is used in the same way as in English, to indicate the end of the exclamation. This is to help the reader anticipate the tone and emphasis of the sentence from the start.

How many spaces follow a question mark?

The most widely accepted use of spaces today entails that one space be left between the end of sentence and the beginning of another. A question mark denotes the end of an interrogatory sentence, thus it is most common to leave one space after a question mark before starting the next sentence. It is also acceptable, though less common, to leave two spaces between sentences.

How many spaces are left after a comma within a sentence?

1 space.

How many spaces after the end of a sentence?

0 as u have a full stop...