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it is uncertain because there were some species that werent discovered since 2006 so who knows if some had died too?

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Q: How many species have died since human evolution?
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When does evolution act?

Evolution is always happening. Species are constantly changing to adapt to their surroundings. If evolution wasn't always happening, many different species would have died.

How did Darwin apply Malthus's ideas about human population to the theory of evolution by natural selection?

He applied it by figuring out that some species died because they overpopulated and didn't have enough resources to sustain life.

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An ancient species of human who died out 27,000 years ago.

Why we can't die easily?

Evolution produces species that have the ability to survive and to reproduce. Organisms which die too easily would have died out long ago and would not still be present in the world as living species.

If human evolution is true why isn't it still going on?

It is; evolution occurs on a timescale so long that nobody will ever notice until a comparison is made with, say, the 10-thousandth generation onward; then you might see something. It is being affected by the way life is lived now, though; people who would otherwise not survive are cared for and supported well past the time when they would have died, and so the species progessively weakens overall. The fact that mankind is caring for and supporting the people that would not survive without, is part of our evolution too. Species do what they must do to survive, and behaviour is subject to evolution as much as fysical features. I understand that, but I'm saying as to why don't we see cave men any more or monkey looking people? Monkys are still around, why not the other species of the evolution?

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he believed that species better suited to their enviornment lived and reproduced while those not suited died off and eventualy became extinct(survivel of the fittest)

When do you think cloning is not beneficial?

When there is no variation at all, can you imagine all people are just the same. and also when there is an epidemic , since all of the cloned species is the same, all species may died and resulted in extinction.

Did people evolve from gorillas?

According to the theory of evolution, more complex animals develop over time from simpler ones. This would indicate that humans and gorillas, who share many traits, had a common ancestor which was neither a human nor a gorilla, but a simpler form of both. This ancestor would have lived millions of years ago, because the process of evolutionary improvement within a species is a very slow one. Many new species could not compete, or otherwise died off.

How did Darwin discover evolution?

Charles Darwin didn't 'discover' evolution, he theorized it, hence "The Theory Of Evolution" He used research and facts to support his theory and put his findings and evidence in his book "On the Origin of Species"

What is human evolution?

Human evolution is the process by which modern humans have evolved from earlier hominid species over millions of years. It involves changes in physical and behavioral characteristics that have helped humans adapt to their environment and improve their chances of survival and reproduction. The study of human evolution involves understanding how these changes occurred and what factors have influenced the development of the human species.

What is a species that has no more individuals living on earth?

A species that has died out is called an extinct species. There are many of them. Dinosaurs for instance.

What is a species that has no members still alive?

It means that that species is extinct or (that spafic animal species has completely died