

Best Answer

all these species are extinct in antartica

  • Acanthodiscus
  • Antarctodon
  • Archaeospheniscus lopdelli
  • Archaeospheniscus wimani
  • Aristonectes
  • Australodelphis
  • Coelacanthus
  • Cynognathus
  • Gondwanatheria
  • Hibolithes
  • Kannemeyeria
  • Kingena
  • Kombuisia
  • Lystrosaurus
  • Micraster
  • Microbiotheria
  • Neithea
  • Ogygopsis
  • Osteolepis
  • Oxytoma
  • Palaeeudyptes klekowskii
  • Parotosuchus
  • Polarornis
  • Rabidosaurus
  • Scenella
  • Terebratula
  • Thrinaxodon
  • Tritylodon
  • Whiteavesia
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Q: How many species have gone extinct in Antarctica?
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It is hard to calculate the number of animals that have become extinct since 1681 since some species went extinct before scientists knew they existed. What is known is that more than 90 species of birds and hundreds of species of mammals have gone extinct since then.

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Very rare, sloths are endangered and many species have gone extinct already.

How many animals are alredy extinct?

It has been estimated that 1 to 4 billion species of animals have already gone extinct. Some animals that have gone extinct are the American Mastodon, Dire Wolf, Florida Spectacled Bear, and the Dodo bird.

How many species are extinct in a minute?

3.5 species are extinct in a MINUTE. That's sad.

Around how many animals have gone extinct?

Extinction of animals (or rather species) happens all the time and has been going on for hundreds of millions of years. All the fossils we find in the rocks are species that are now extinct. It is therefore impossible to tell you just how many animals have gone extinct. However, you question may have been prompted by concerns for our planet and its ecosystem today and you may therefore be asking How many animals have gone extinct because of man's activities? This a good question, unfortunately I don't know the answer to this so I will ask it. (The answer is in the related question below)

Are monkeys extinct?

No, there are many different species that aren't extinct.

How many species of o rang-Utahans are extinct?

There's only 1 species of Orangutan, and its not extinct

How many bird species are extinct?

1,200 birds are currently extinct

Distinguish between extinct and endangered species?

they are different because extinct is when a species is completely died out and endangered is when a species is reduced and may die out. they alike because they both deal with killing the species.