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Q: How many species of hares are there?
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Do hares live in Africa?

Yes. There are many species of wild rabbits and hares in Africa.

What is a arctic hares kingdom?

The Arctic Hare is in the Animalia kingdom. This applies to all species of rabbits and hares.

Is there a Hare rabit?

Hares and Rabbits are entirely different species.

Is a Mountain Hare a warmblooded animal?

Yes, all species of hares are warm-blooded.

Are rabbits and hares and pikas referred to as monotremes?

No. Rabbits, hares and pikas are all Lagomorphs. The three species of monotremes are the platypus, the short-beaked echidna and the long-beaked echidna.

What collective is used for hares?

Collective nouns for hares are a drove of hares, a down of hares, a husk of hares, a mute of hares, a leash of hares, and a trace of hares.

What species is a rabbit?

All rabbits are "Lagomorphs" that means they have big ears, large back feet, and continually growing teeth. They are notrodents!

What is the name of group of the hare?

There are several collective nouns for hares, they are listed below; drove of hares, down of hares, husk of hares, leash of hares, trace of hares, trip of hares, warren of hares

How many hispid hares are left?


What do rabbits and hares have in common?

Jackrabbits are actually hares. Hares and rabbits are closely related: they belong to different genera, but they're classified in the same family (Leporidae, of the order Lagomorpha). Hares give birth to their babies above-ground, while rabbits give birth to babies in underground burrows. Baby hares (leverets) are born with fur and they're able to see, while baby rabbits (kits) are born blind and naked. Hares tend to have longer legs, ears, and faces than rabbits do, but there is variation between different species.

What is animal interdependence?

Animal interdependence refers to the mutual reliance and interactions between different animal species in an ecosystem. It involves a network of relationships where animals depend on each other for food, shelter, reproduction, or other aspects of their survival. For example, predators rely on prey for food, while prey species rely on predator populations to control herbivores that consume their food sources.

Why is a rabbit a rabbit and not a hare?

First answer: There are two different types of rabbit. The hare is a wild rabbit and has longer legs and ears. This is how it is different to rabbits that we have!Disagreement: The above answer is incorrect. Hares and rabbits are differently animals. Although, hares do usually have longer legs and ears than rabbits.Rabbits exist in the wild and as domestic animals (pets, farm animals, and lab animals). There are many different species of wild rabbit and they live all over the world. Domestic rabbits were all bred from one species: the European Rabbit, which still lives in the wild in some parts of the world.On the other hand, hares are wild only. There are no domesticated hares (except in some individual cases, where someone rescued a wild hare that was in distress and raised it at home).Another difference between hares and rabbits is that hares are born with fur and they can see, whereas rabbits are born blind and naked. Another difference is that rabbits dig burrows underground to live in, whereas hares live above ground (they dig shallow ditches but not underground).The words "hare" and "rabbit" are often used interchangeably, so it can be confusing. For instance, jackrabbits (a wild species) are actually hares. And the Belgian Hare (a domestic breed) is actually a rabbit.