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There are 197 countries on Earth.

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There are 195 countries recognized by the United Nations. The number of states, or regions, on Earth varies depending on how you define them. For example, the United States has 50 states, while countries like China have provinces.

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How many states does the earth have all together?

Planet Earth has one hundred ninety-three states altogethr.

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The plural form of the word "country" is "countries."

How many states in the US observe Earth Day?

Earth Day is not a federal holiday so states are not required to observe this day. Many states have certain things they do during the day. Most other countries do not observe Earth Day.

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No states are divided into countries. States are typically political subdivisions within countries.

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China is one of the most polluted countries in the entire world. As are many Asian countries. Another major contributor to the pollution of the Earth is the United States of America.

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WOW... there are no countries in Hawaii, Hawaii's a state which is in a country called the United States of America which is in a continentwhich is in the Earth which is in the solar systemwhich is in the...i hope i was lots of help

how many countries are in the earth?

Countries in the World are 195 in 2023

How many countries on Earth?


How many countries are in the Indian subcontinent?

in the indian subcontinent there are no countries but states. india has 28 states.

How many countries are in a stete?

Do you mean 'state'? There are no countries in states. States are political divisions of countries, not the other way around.

How many countries are there in America?

there are no countries in America only states

How many people are from other countries?

There are 300 million people in the United States. Earth's population is 7 billion. This means 6.7 billion people are from other countries--assuming the person asking the question is from the United States. If not, the formula works the same.