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Q: How many states do monarch butterflies live in?
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Related questions

What instincts do monarch butterflies have?

Monarch butterflies have many instincts. Other than the instinctual desire to migrate each year, they are also driven to collect pollen and to mate.

How many miles do monarch butterflies travel a day in average?

it's 3.2 miles depending on the size of the monarch.

Are monarch butterflies predators?

Predators of the Monarch Butterfly are Spiders, Wasps, some bird species and many more.

Which kinds of butterflies are found in the field?

There are many types of butterflies that can be found in fields. They include Monarch butterflies, Painted Lady butterfly, Red Admiral butterfly, Summer Azure butterfly, and the Tiger Swallowtail butterfly.

On average how many times are groups of Monarch butterflies born in the summer?


On average' how many times are new groups of monarch butterflies born in the summer?


How many legs do monarch butterflies have?

Butterflies are insects. They all have six legs.

Are monarch butterflies helpful to the world?

Yes, While feeding on nectar, they pollinate many types of wildflowers.

In what type of creature do many of the Mexican people believe the spirits of their dead relative return?

Monarch Butterflies

What on average how many times are new groups of monarch butterflies born in the summer?


How long has the Butterfly been gone from Mexico?

It still has many different species of butterflies, such as the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) which migrates into Mexico from Canada and the United States during winter months.

Do monarch butterflies interact with other animals?

i think they interact with a good attitude they sometimes will interact by calling to other butterflies and there is many more but i cannot name them all