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Bulls also have a four-chambered stomach. Bulls are just a male version of a cow.

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Q: How many stomachs does a bull have if a cow has four?
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How many stomach for cow?

Cows have four stomachs

What two animals have four stomachs?

There are actually many animals that have four stomachs; two of the commonly known ones in the United States are cattle and bison.

How may stomachs does a cow how?


What are two example sentences for the plural of stomach?

Cows have four stomachs. I'm not sure which of the cow's four stomachs I am calling from.

What animal has 7 stomachs?

There is no such animal on Earth at this time, that we know of. The animal with the most number of stomachs is the cow, which has a total of four.

How many stomachs does a cow need?

Uh, stomachs have NO COWS!

How manny stomachs does a cow have?

A cow has one stomach with four different compartments or areas.A cow has one stomach with four different compartments or areas.

What has the most stomachs?

Every cow has four stomachs, and I've never heard of any animal having more.

What type of species is the bull?

It is a male Cow, a cow is a four legged animal

What is the difference between human and cow?

There are many differences between humans and cows. Cows are quadrupeds and humans are bipedal. Cows have stomachs that are separated into four compartments, while human stomachs do not have separated compartments.

Why do bulls have four legs and how many times a day does the farmer milk them?

A bull has four legs because they are a bovine just like a cow is. And it doesn't get milked cause it's a male, not a cow.

Does a cow have 3 stomachs?

No. A cow only has one stomach with four chambers. No animal has three stomachs, nor any kind of multiple stomachs. All animals only have one stomach, but select species have one stomach with multiple chambers, like cows, sheep, llamas, deer and buffalo.