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never ending, can takes days or years

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Q: How many stop can a nitrogen atom make on its journey?
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How many electrons in an atom of nitrogen?

A nitrogen atom has seven electrons.

How many atom are in nitrogen are in one molecule?

34 onions and 2 grapes make up an atom

How many bonds would nitrogen make?

A nitrogen atom can form three bonds at most as it shows valency of three.

How many valence electrons are needed to make a full shell in a nitrogen atom?


How many protons are in a nitrogren atom?

there are 7 protons in each nitrogen atom.

How many bods can nitrogen form to make another atom?


How many valance electrons does the nitrogen atom have?

The valency of nitrogen is 3

How many protons neutrons and electrons make up an atom of nitrogen?

there is no possible answer because atoms are not counttable

How many protons neutrons and electrons make up and atom of nitrogen?

there is no possible answer because atoms are not counttable

How many neutrons in a nitrogen atom?


How many bonds does the central atom of nitrogen have in Ammonia?

IN an ammonia molecule the central nitrogen atom has 3 three bonds.

How many molecules of oxygen are in nitrogen dioxide?

Two with one atom of Nitrogen